Job Hunting - Your Job Between Jobs
Ronald Reagan once quipped: "A recession is when your friend loses her job. Depression is when you lose yours."
We're either dipping or closely along a recession, and always a good job hunting skills (or update existing ones) is becoming a growing priority for millions of Americans and Europeans.
(A brief aside about lies, damned lies and statistics - while the Americans about 5-7% of unemployment will make the sign of a recession in Europe,The usual rate is closer to 10%, due to the different measurement metrics, and with more people into unemployment. Conversely, it is much harder to leave, an employee in Europe, to go where a job is considered a fundamental right.)
First things first - look at your search spend per month. Then on your income from the unemployment insurance (if any), and the burning rate on your savings. The longer you spend your job search before feeling the financial distress, the happierThey are with the results. And while you do the job on some freelance in your field if you can - many job types, such As editors, authors and gurus look like a spreadsheet that can do decent money on the side to do freelance work.)
Next - there are basic fundamentals of a job. Make sure your resume or CV includes the highlights of your experience, and is easy to read. Make sure that your cover letter, explain briefly why you arebest candidate for the job, and every time you nibble on a resume, please send an interview thank you note. (Here's a trick - you write the thank you letter at the same time you write your cover letter, update it with the name of the person you are with interviews, and have printed it in a stamped and addressed envelope to: drop off in the mailbox on the away from the interview.)
Be more willing to find a new job. Expect to do with 40-50 calls per week andto send at least 15-25 applications or resumes a week. Be diligent in following up. While you will be the aim of providing a high-contact, this is a numbers game. Conversely, do not fixate on a job and depressed if you do not get. The numbers game.
Flexibility is the key in the job search - be prepared to take on contract-to-hire positions or work through a placement firm. Be prepared to shift. Concentrate on the head, and you maintain your completeFlexibility as future employees.
When times are slow, one or two extra class, or who are considering a certification that will help you an edge in the job market. More and more employers are forced to look certifications they avoided in the amount of discrimination could be - you equally well preserved, and they use this to your advantage.
Finally, set up after searching and not posted jobs. Even if the times are good, get less than 20% of all jobs posted publicly.Talk to people in the company and find them a job that are not published. Likewise, we assume a job listing online is to plug it back blows and act accordingly.
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