
Top 10 paid jobs

Everyone wants something for nothing. The American Dream is still well and alive, and with a little education and a lot of determination to find you. Do not panic, because you do not have an Associates, Bachelor's, Master's, or even a PhD. What's more, I'll show you jobs that may not be necessary, including a High School Diploma! Now do not misunderstand me: I do not want you, drop out of high school or not go back to school to finish, because there are a lot of money out there. What I want to say isthat there are some jobs that could potentially improve your current life. And remember, if you have ambition, dedication, faith, and have an attitude never to give up, you can do anything you want. That is what is the American dream.

Top 5 paid jobs (No High School Diploma Needed)

Bailiffs - $ 36,500.00
The authors - $ 36,000.00
Industrial Production Managers - $ 36,000.00
Construction Manager - $ 33,500.00
Electrician --$ 32,000.00

Note: There are many successful people who were not even finish high school. Does the name Bill Gates strikes a bell? These jobs are getting potentially achievable by fairly fast methods employed. Who knows, you could find the cure for cancer or to theorize a way of bringing to life on other planets.

Top 5 paid jobs (at least a GED or High School Diploma Needed)

Computer Software Engineers --$ 59,000.00
Computer / Information Systems Manager - $ 56,500.00
Computer Programmers - $ 55,000.00
Network Systems & Data Communications Analysts - $ 50,000.00
Database, Network & Computer Systems Administrators - $ 48,000.00

Note: Each of these lists contain jobs that usually require more experience on the job or in the area, and are not really a fancy piece of paper concentrated.

So remember, the American dream is alive and well. It is us who are notadopted. You can rely on what you set for your views to succeed. The only requirement to be successful is mentally and financially, to never give up and always keep the faith.

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