
Telephone Interview Etiquette: How To Approach A Phone Job Interview

The phone interview is usually by hiring managers to screen potential candidates, instead of loading all of them used for a long face interviews.

The telephone interview is used to meet then cull the list of potential candidates to a smaller group of people that meet certain criteria and appears to be suitable for the task.

In my experience, the employer, I have to use the telephone interviews, this is often done work for two main reasons.

First, theycould be the nature of the hiring manager to start with a large group of potential candidates for whatever reason to be happy and then go quickly through the list to a smaller group that they want to interview face to face to identify in detail.

Second, hiring managers often use the phone interview as a method of questioning out of town candidates who do not live in the same city (or state / country), the recruitment company.

If you have a phone interview would have until you need to be adjusted tokeep a few things to consider:

The person you are interviewing you can not see (and of course she can not remember seeing either), so that they are assessing not only what you say but how you say it.

Make sure that you are in a quiet place where the telephone interview occurs.

Make sure that you answer the phone that is made at the time of the survey. Do not miss the interview!

Not be distracted during the interview. Make sure you are alone and can be distracted by anyone oranything.

If you use a cordless phone, make sure you have good reception and that it is fully charged. It is not a great idea to use a cell phone if you are sure you go to a 100% perfect reception.

As in a conversation face to face, try an idea asked by the person, what will happen next in the interview process ends before the call, that is preserved. When you hear from them? Is there a conversation face to face next?

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