
2009 - The Year of the Job Search

Fortune 500s to record levels and newspapers announced layoffs under way with unemployment, it is quite clear that 2009 is looking to Usher in even Greater frenzy of work. All of us, directly or indirectly in conditioning.

As a coach looking for work, which concerns me that so many people out there clinging to outplacement and consulting services company for the poor from well-meaning friends and family as a way to do their jobs > Search. The levels of anxiety will be high, and expectations are false.

When you come in search of a job, I have two areas of focus that I have with my clients beyond the quality of their curriculum expectations and proper target market. Why so much focus in these areas is because they are often working two areas, travel on work and waste more time trying to determine too much money, and frustration when it comes to their> Search.

And if you add high levels in human distress, it will only get worse.

Case in point: I spoke with a woman the other day, which is a PhD and has a different background in leadership and change management. She is frustrated. It 's crazy. And she wants to spend a lot of time blaming someone, something for everyone. They cover a curriculum in three different areas, and she is angry because his resume writers take this advice. Want someRecruiter friend doing, tell her that everything ever is fantastic, but of course the friend Recruiters can only help their leaders of a profession is that of recruiting advertisers. And, of course, will not and does not fit the job. I still think the CV is not easy to capture them. He believes that his background and expertise, they should be for almost anything they want to do, fit, and thinks that she can not bespend more than 45 days in search of a job.


This is a very rude awakening for some job seekers out there. The truth is that none of these things were expected thesis of my friend for a very long time, it is true, if at all. I'm not sure where some come from these expectations, but are very misleading. Add this false expectations tough economy and job market and you have a recipe for disaster!

Yes, 2009 is certainly theYear of research work, whether we like it or not. My hope is that will result from the doom and gloom, some good things.

First of all I hope that many professionals to bring Recruiter idea that a job search is the couple is more than a pleasant conversation and a resume. I hope they start to really look at how competitive the market, an efficient search in a smart and invest in servicesto achieve this goal.

But even more, I hope that creates appropriate expectations for the economy and the nature of the market today. Sure, it's a difficult thing to do, but not impossible if you are preparing. The problem is that we only look into more when you are looking for a job, spend much time to ourselves and not enough to view the industry we are targeting. So we lose the way we prepare. And then, whenThings are not the way we expect from them, we blame everyone and everything to get started.

So if a job search is your future, do not hide in a corner and wait for it. Making the resolution of this New Year's Eve to you armed with good advice.


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