
Job Search Strategies - seven types of job interviews

Probably the most important thing to remember about a job interview is that once past the people of HR interview is probably interviewed amateurs. They are professionals, which is their great responsibility, but the recruitment of new employees is only around 2% - 5% of what they do. That is, if you are ready, Have you a pretty good chance to subtly control the interview through the questions the way you structure your resume.

Hereare just some of the types of interviews, you can expect to encounter. Each takes a slightly different type of preparation and tactics.

Standard first interview. This is the kind of job interview you might expect. It's usually a "you know is to learn to run" with the background, perhaps in the form of your resume. If the odds are actually in a face to face interviews are better than 90% said that you've already done the work, so this interview has as primary objectiveCheck if the right chemistry. Can fit into corporate culture? Are you the type of person who fits well with our team?

According to behavioral interview. This type of interview is the exception to the rule Amateur - most people will have a trained behavioral interview were related to behavioral interviews. Often these interviews are with two people answer questions and take notes on one of your answers and makes it possible, you give out a numerical score.For companies, the interview is to conduct disorder, this is an obstacle we must overcome, but it is rarely the interview. You are more likely to encounter occasional problems in interviews behavioral standards.

Third Panel meeting. This type of investigation can be carried out because of efficiency of programming, but often in order to observe, as we are with a group of employees (both in the team you interact with the department or person youInteraction with) or your presentation style to watch. In all cases, you should have eye contact with everyone and accessible to as many plates as possible in your answer. And all have a measure of thanks.

Sequential quarter panel interview. This is when you are sitting in a conference room and send anywhere in 3-6 or 8 persons in an interview at a time. There are two keys to this type of interview. The first is perseverance - and get plenty of rest the night beforeno plans to do something that night. And the second - if it is a success story with a person and the same story, using a different angle, in conversation with another person, tell the second person who has already discussed this situation from a different perspective and therefore where appropriate when comparing are not confused.

Fifth Technical Interview. Obviously, this is a specific type of interview, if you're interviewing for a position of technician. However, it can alsodone, check your professionalism and competence in every profession. This interview is not usually work, but you will definitely get if you can demonstrate, does not eliminate the level of knowledge that the interviewer knows is necessary for the position.

Social sixth interview. This is a particularly common type of interview for each, which is developing a business or sales position. If you are interested can interact with customers or the public would like to know your potential employerhow to manage activities in a social context. Remember, this is still an interview and act accordingly. Nothing sloppy order (this is not the time of spaghetti or steamed crabs) and are very aware of your table manners. If every player at the table to join the spirits, take only token swallowing.

Approval seventh interview. This interview is only to examine whether the boss of bosses take immediate and strong aversion against you. Here more than elsewhere, the importantThe aim is to chemistry, to create chemistry. This person can say "yes" or "no" to come on board is probably not very interested in more details. The best way to handle this interview the interviewer to follow.

Regardless of the type of interview is encountered is the chemical baseline. If you like to overlook all kinds of deficiencies, but she could not walk on water and would not care.


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