Tip job search for women Break the glass ceiling!
OK. Statistics for 2005 are in.
Before Women constitute about half of American workers.
According to Women hold about half the managerial positions.
Third Women earn only 73 percent of what men earn in the same jobs.
Fourth Women hold only 5 percent of top-paid jobs in the country.
Fifth Only eight of the Fortune 500 CEOs are women.
The key to changing this situation is to learn to communicate effectively.
Molly Dickinson Shepard wrote one bookcalled "stop crying and win." It argues that women are from Venus probably have to learn the language of their counterparts Mars-based male.
"We must get involved," he advises. "Otherwise it will rise further - and the statistics will not change. If women communicate more effectively, will be heard.
"If a woman does not feel, will be regarded as passive and be marginalized," says Shepard. It 'important that women feel recognized andestimated. "
Men get more than their share of money and power in American workplaces. But his work does not have special, if you make a decision to change careers or look for. Learn to speak with confidence to your next employer for career opportunities that can challenge the position of the glass ceiling.
Fortunately, there are tons of job search strategies and techniques free, and set before you as the competitivethe playing field with male colleagues.
Shepard points out that people really believe when they say "It 's just business, not personal." They tear into each other at meetings and then get together for beer. And 'advantageous for women, as well as thick skin, closes Shepard.
Be sure to check the communication submitted by EEI on its website. 20 years of experience as an expert on alternative strategies can make your job searchthe difference for every woman wants to break the glass ceiling job candidate.
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