
To measure the success of your job search

Being in the middle of jobs for a longer period of time can be frustrating, financially painful and confusing.

you can lose perspective. We are so busy "doing" that is to analyze the results and forget how to make the necessary adjustments.

So how do you measure the success of your research? A couple of things that strike because of my personal search history of the process and discussions with colleagues and try to work together to:

Before you have a challengeStrategy?

In my opinion, success comes when job hunting hard work and preparation for response times. If you are without a strategy, it is Likely to find "acorns" basis and in a way that provides a result But not good. My advice? The specific objectives for the weekly phone calls, networking events, net calls, or coffee, etc., and then also look at the end of each week.

According If you take intelligent action, and anyevery day in order to advance the research process?

IT Week While it is true that you have a job, not after 12 hours a day and seven days, you must be active. If you see sitting before the computer and email alerts waiting to get or acquire and re-scanning worksheets with different keywords, you're not working smart.

Third Receiving calls returned?

This is verymeasurable and important metrics. The reality of this information is important. In my experience, is an excellent result in 10 3-4 people a pretty good rate of success in baseball, but a very frustrating result, if diligently act to put a couple of well-designed communication and return very little to see. These discussions are recruiters, human resource managers in the network, employees who work on a target company. You can call again and again - no - or isDo not touch too high (wrong at the farm) or too far (the contact with people who are too far from you relational). If you are the 10.2 is not bad, but wonder why the two returned and called to see if you can, on your next round of calls, people aim for a better reason / motivation to help may have from.

You always call Fourth Recruiter?

Here I'm not talking while you work - these are easy to obtain (all called manwho are employed, is not it?). I'm talking about unemployed looking for a specific interest calls for open search you as you are. So if you mind, these calls are, what does this mean? It means a few things. First, people networking and sharing with the recruiter name. They do this because I'm your availability, but more importantly, are willing to share your name, because they believe in you. Your recruiter calls are not a measure onesuccessful research effort, but also a measure of how well they are cared for and respected network.

Fifth Six people seem to want to talk to someone?

If you are a typical networking event, where everyone goes to their word * elevator, there is always a period of informal networks at the end. Be careful and you'll notice are 7-8 smalls groups of 2-3 people. At the center of each group one of four people. They are the organizers,Speakers, a worker who decided to show the Networker and 4 or 5 people, things really interesting was to say in his speech lift. Made him well, showed a confidence and made eye contact with everyone in the room while speaking. How was your speech? If I had approached after his speech? Without a dynamic elevator speech, will be joining the rest of the crowd waiting in line, network with one of the four people mentioned above (a difficult start to separateyou).

* (An elevator speech is a 30-60 second presentation of a summary of his professional experience, your area of destination, the geography of the target, the target position, target companies and hopefully a few memorable stories about your successes - to be an unforgettable experience, but also includes never hurts job leads within the IT group) to make it useful for others.

For the sixth telephone interviews?

Telephone interviews are a measure of the capacity of your resumecommunicate quickly and clearly your credibility and the measure describing the work the firm. If you still telephone interviews, it is likely that you have applied for the wrong job (you are over or under qualified) or your resume is not strong enough to give the impression. Furthermore, the disappointing results on telephone interviews was also a mirror image of an excess of writing "to try hard" to cover letter. Get too cute with your cover letter stand out and you cana negative, so immature and unprofessional - the purpose of your resume / cover combo in the trash.

So check the results you get and how people react to you. Are the introduction of other, or is a practical reason to go ("Hey, the buffet looks good, nice meeting you")? As the results in comparison with other job seekers online. When interviewing anyone and was involved filling your LinkedIn profile to get 100%, you must work forto do!

Take time once a week to stop "doing", write your results and plan of adjustment to get back on track.


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