
How to Deal extended job search

job loss is disturbing and tragic. Find a job is awkward and full of rejection. In a previous issue of Dick Bolles' What color is your parachute? "He added a page written with a" no "rather than, and at the bottom of the page, the word" yes. "His point? The refusal is part of the job search process. Addressing the refusal of you can emotionally and physically to be felt.

Recently, a group of three experts said, consultinga group of experts on the topic of his career in front of a large research -. They gave good advice from the perspective of advice and great resources that I mentioned in this article at the end.


The first step is to determine if you have symptoms of depression. By David Burns Feeling good book, it included a short test depression. If you are depressed, it is to be treated a bit 'too fast. It will be seen, not only inWe also show in the search for the interview process, or worse - but in everyday life. The depression could all work to find your wreck.


Some years ago a young man walked into a shopping center in North Dakota and began firing. Earlier that day he was fired from his job. A man of 60 years, was transferred from NASA has been found in his home and shot his boss and then himself, you hear these kinds of storiestoo often. These people have all their lives, their work injury. In his work, it was pulled from under unbalanced overthrow their lives. Desperation kicks in

The work is only one aspect of your life. There is more to life than work. Family, career, recreation, friends, spiritual power, etc. for a well-rounded life to lead. If the job is finished - and end - Ensure a robust life centered around all aspects - notjust work.


When looking for a job, it is essential to get back to basics.

Scan for work - you get every morning and "The Office" (figuratively speaking). Get dressed and go to work looking for work.

· Network - 80% of job seekers find their jobs through the network. Go to two different networking events per week.

· Take Breaks - reached after about 4-6 hours, you canjob search should call it a day on your own. Staring at a computer, your work and network applications, it will burn. Do something physical - go for a walk, cycling, shooting baskets for 45 minutes will help you clear your mind.

Career change

Does not rule out a change of career. One of the speakers spoke out a professional in his 50 years he had. He began to explore careers, and the Campbell Interest Inventory and scored "by theCharts "for aircraft mechanics. A few years later, our speaker reported receiving an e-mail from people. He said he screwed up every day he went into the trailer to his work as aircraft mechanic!

Find your passion - and there are many as the DISC w / Career Match, strong, and Campbell, who can help. Really explore childhood dreams and fantasies. Find the activities that really does forget the time. Once you identify your passions, findhow to make money. Thinking outside the box and look at all options.

Relationships with family and friends

Similar to dealing with a chronic illness, family and friends can be uncomfortable, anxious or withdrawn. How can it be managed? First, this is normal behavior. I am just as concerned (and perhaps fear) as you are. If they are annoying, are trying to promote in order to get a little 'back. If you are desperate and hopeless, to try to avoidFriends.

One of the speakers had referred a client, the loss went through an extended work. He was very concerned about his wife support. The therapist has the client spouse to discuss the situation with her ​​and her spouse, he said. "Andrei under a bridge with you, when it came to that," With the "pressure", the man was able to quickly find a job after they are relatively easier.

I'm back to work

Statistically, there isanother job. - It is a faster and easier if you have a positive outlook, back to the basics, you know career options, even if it is a change of career, and friends and get support for the family. Although it will be rejected on the road, it takes only a "yes" to one side to eliminate the "no".

Recommended Resources:


Feeling Good · D. David Burns, MD
· Learned Optimism by Martin Seligman, PhD
Martin is happy to be authenticSeligman, PhD
• The workbook for anxiety and phobias by Edmund Bourne, PhD
· EBook: How do you finally know what you like doing and get paid for doing so: The Definitive Guide to find and successfully pursued your passion and Brian Kim

See Also : LED LCD TV searchjob

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