
Job Search Pitfalls to Avoid

And 'natural that after a certain time to do the same thing again without any result of our commitment and determination to shake.

job search is no different, especially if you try to slip back into depression unemployed.

So here are some pitfalls of finding a job that I want to see you.

1. Repeat. After a while, 'you can see that there are not many jobs that have already been applied.Some months the amount of vacancies will inevitably disappear, in other months will increase. Sometimes the job might look like so you think you already used them.

The solution: a detailed diary of your applications a day, their details and date of expiry. You need to see your progress to stay motivated.

2. Same old resources. I'm sure you are aware of the importance of expanding your job search, the changesState unemployment benefits, but still involved in the usual routine.

The solution: do not stick to the same resources, but extend the vertical applications (more diversity) and horizontal (geographical).

3. No clear plan. We spend most of our lives as part of the workforce, it is understandable that we are not very good at looking for work. Most people dare job search without a clear idea of what to do to be ready and what kindsalary.

The solution: a clear list of YES and NO points. Keep in mind, if you are applying for a job or go through an interview. You have a list of works from the first position until the dream that you can tolerate. Do not apply for jobs that you know I hate you! This is unproductive and annoying: not only will you be back, but also liable to lose position quickly depressed.

4. The refusal of scars. Eventually, you get so tiredRejection e-mail or just the simple stone walls, you want to stop, to cuddle in a warm, dark place to hide your problems away.

The solution: I'm sorry, guys, do not go away, so you see your coping mechanisms to deal with rejection. It could be a kind of positive thinking technology in a special support group, or simply letters or ritual burning of waste grueling exercise routine, your frustration will be dissipated. Think a bit 'in advance andThe implementation of the plan.

5. Settle for a temporary location. You know when you, the part-time or casual work, just to get a job while you look right through next? After a while, 'very tempted to stay there and do nothing else. To be able to convince that it is not so bad and you can live with it.

The solution: work out: the flow of people is high, so it's easy to lose your position and believe me - starting aNew research is depressing that the preservation of the old go. So yes, stick your diary and keep jobs, while part-time worker or a seasonal worker or self for a project with an end date. Because everything is ultimately an end date.

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