
How to find a job without losing their job - keeping discreet if you want to write

1. Do not discuss your job search with colleagues

You can never be sure to tell it. If you tell someone you trust, tell someone, and it might be easy to get your head. The moment you think about it just looking for another job until your boss calls you into his office ...

2. Jobs looking for a job away from

You can order online during work hours,but certainly do not want to be seen or look for work. How would you respond if your boss comes to his desk, even at lunch time and see what you're doing?

3. Do not include your phone number or e-mail your CV and applications

Your call and e-mail might be monitored, and in addition gives the impression of someone, a little fraud in the new society can commit. You can choose an account with Hotmail or Yahoo, and this is a user-sensitiveWith names.

4. Do not use the copier company

What happens when a paper jam and someone found a copy of the application form? It is also theft.

5. Do not take the job that calls you at work

Put your phone to voice mail, with a personal message and go to lunch, calls outside the home where you do not hear about.

6. Please try after interviews of the day orJobs

Sometimes you have no choice but to look out for an interview a day, so make sure it has left some holidays. You can get away with nausea or twice, but he does it will be a record of poor patients, this could mean for the job offer withdrawn when he learned of.

7. It does not change the way they dress for work

Maybe you have a conversation hour at noon. While large: you can put in your workNow, you have to think about what you wear. If you dress casual, as a rule, is suspect, if you turn on your smart interview clothes. You may need to see the changes off-site.

8. Be careful with references

It is often asked for references, make sure you check the box to tell your current employer, if successful in the application. You do not want called to discuss this.

9. Maintain a high levelJobs

Your job search could be a number of months so do not dissolve in your current job. Too many people lose motivation and the dream of the next (unknown) jobs. This leads to a less than complimentary terms

See Also : LED LCD TV searchjob

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