Job Search - How to handle rejection and Follow Up
Last Saturday evening my wife and I visited friends in their home. They are a couple I've known since the days of elementary school, grade, as I remember. Yes, children! They grew up next door to another, dated in high school, and are still together. Last year he celebrated his fortieth wedding anniversary.
each of whom I have known since my childhood - that he had invited several people to dinner. After dinner we were sitting in the living room to talk about some ofstupid stuff that happened over the years. Suddenly her Cocker Spaniel that happens, the furniture was gone, attention, and jumped on his lap. I was a bit 'surprised, because at home we will not allow our dog end up on the couch, and I did not expect much from me Rex. But I decided that it's okay. I'm a dog person.
Rex stroked for a while ', and when I heard that his nose stuck under his arm and pushed up - hard. He wanted everything to be petted. A few minutes lateragain if I stopped, gave me his mouth again after treatment. I said, 'No, Rex, "but he wants me to continue rubbing his ears. He would not say "no" for an answer. He insisted. Rejection does not worry him. He simply continued to let me know what he wanted.
People do not have rejection, and most go out of their way to avoid it. Therefore they are not asking for rent. May be rejected. So do not try the interviewer again a few days later to seehow things are. Have you been there? They have gone through an interview, has not got the job at this time, and a few days later, when you call again, suddenly the phone seems to weigh 2,000 pounds. You can not lead to the name.
Relax. The company is trying to position a particular person to fill the job, they had to do more interviews, and the owner wanted the head office to all interview required - if you qualify. They arein the list, and helped to put on top of their list. The squeaky wheel is fat. You only need to call to remind them that they exist. You need as little Rex, and do not take no for an answer several times.
Almost no one has put forward the follow-up with the interviewer. How crazy is that? Other people have to work all the phones seem to weigh a ton. If follow-up, are showing up again on their own. Do it. They aresurprised.
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