Job Search: The value of the invocation of the moment
Carol Gibson was just trying to get home to Austin after the Christmas holidays. Hanging during a stopover at the airport, it was not until they were trying to find, but somehow he found a job. Here is their story. It's crazy weather, Twitter, the media, a moment of inspiration, and the incident.
Crazy Weather
Carol was visiting his parents during the holidays at his home in sunny California, about 3 hours outside of San Francisco. L 'weather was going crazy on the east coast. unusually harsh snow storms delayed flights across the country. Carol learned that his flight was canceled eight hours before being dropped. He called the airline can transfer, but not through. So it was only one choice to make the trip to the airport three hours in San Francisco, hoping to catch the next available flight.
When they arrived at the airport, she was told she could not fly home for three days! L 'only alternative was to change airlines. Although the flight was with the new airline does not let through until the next day, they took him. She was forced to spend precious resources of an already tight budget in a hotel room.
A user of Twitter, Carol (@ gibsonic) published occasional reports, or "tweets" about their situation with their mobile phone.
December 27 -. "The SFO was wondering how I came to Austin canceled flight is perhaps a sign that Cali.I want it back. Or bad weather in the Middle ... "
27. December - "I'm at San Francisco International Airport"
28. December - "Do Over (@ San Francisco International Airport)"
28. December - "Progress (Phoenix Sky Harbor International Airport @)!"
The Media
So there has been set for his arrest Dec. 28 in Phoenix. Then all of a sudden, he received a Tweet from a stranger, "You were late, I'm a reporter for AP and if so I would like to chat?". The tweetincluded a phone #.
"If AmandaLeeAP yep @ SFO to fly out yesterday but had to change planes left my information call .. # available!" And she replied:
The reporter spoke with Carol on the phone and asked to quote for printing a story. Then, when Carol was on the plane from Phoenix to Austin, she was featured in an article published in the newspaper of St. Louis, and
When he landed in Austin, she was contacted by another journalist,asked permission to record the telephone interview. A local talk radio told the story, Carol quoted in the air over and over again at the top of every hour. Unaware of all the press they receive, and was just glad to be home, friends began to contact her. They should read or heard on the radio or online.
Later, when Carol the details of his crazy journey of two days that I've said I do not think they've said something strange to journalists: "MyComments were things like: "What is there to be angry, we are all human beings -. It 's a snow storm,' and I think I had a sense of humor all the way I looked, I was just annoyed. - I do not miss a wedding or Christmas. I did not even sleep in the airport I was traveling with young children. "
A moment with a question
Apparently, Carol, yes, say something special to the media, something that came afterwards, from his inspiration during aTime. When the AP reporter asked about his work, he asked, in his mind, if you mention it should work. Decided, "what the hell 'and he snapped:" I'm unemployed Business Analyst. It turns out that was swallowing his embarrassment about the unemployed a smart move.
A few weeks later, Carol received an email from a representative of the United States for a start-up company called propeller plane: "I saw the story on the news.We are looking for and I want to discuss. "
After a few rounds to interview, Carol was offered a contract with the possibility of future additional work for a regular full-time job.
"I accepted," said Carol, "because it's like a first date. I can see if it will work."
Meanwhile, Carol is known for its bases. Recently, it has its own DTC, Cross Brook Consulting created. "I plan to non-profit organizations, small businesses and start-up with the help of theirEvents, promotions, products, etc. I love working with creative communication - I guess you could call it "unconventional marketing". This experience with Twitter and the media to promote strengthened my desire to communicate with new creative works such as social media for the causes I believe in "
Carol's great take away from her experience with Twitter and the media during their job search:
- You never know who listens to you and your story.
- Always usepositive language about your situation.
- Keep your sense of humor.
- Do not say you're embarrassed to be unemployed.
- Use all the tools at your disposal.
It seems that Carol also learned the value of seize the moment!
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