The importance of being "different" when in a job search-
Most people do everything to avoid "standing in a crowd, or the risk in any way as" different "perceived by everyone else. When it comes to finding a job today, however, you must quickly disavow himself from these ideas. For the most part, be the only way to succeed in today's job market is really "different" and I will do what is necessary to stand in a crowd! "
Now I hasten to point out the great facadeI speak here not to do things like printed on paper with your CV or chartreuse to receive a Starbucks gift card to a potential hiring manager! What I am talking about are some very important, very specific, concrete things that most other job seekers, your competitors in the labor market today!-O do not know, or if they know, not just the effort that they make . If you do, but I guarantee that you will be certainly partHuman resource managers and companies as "different" in the best sense of the word!
The first and probably the most important point of differentiation between the winners and the slightly less-than-successful job seekers, the original concept to be taken to a new job. You should shy away from opportunities to job fairs as a target primary research into new jobs. All you get now sit for hours in front The computer fire, generic generic curriculum back to positions for which qualification itself can not, it's hard to lose a lot of valuable time and research work. And the recruiters call "you" a job is not very promising strategy in the work market today is not a ". / Career job fairs? The same story of today's labor market.
Avoiding the pitfalls that most job seekers fall into immediately, ie take> Cards working, attending job / job fair Career / Career Fair, and / or relying on someone else to do what to do now is necessary, in pursuing a new job / career, it is automatically "out from the crowd for more than prepared "to work than others), the majority of applicants are automatically perceived as" different "(and"!
So, which approach (s) to be considered? The answer is simple. to employ the tactics and strategiessuccess in the labor market today, and those who do "is the perception of the market is very different from other job seekers, which primarily relate to the effective use of three channels:
• Networking
• Direct Mail
• Phone
A comprehensive study of all three of these approaches is in "Headhunter" Hiring Secrets Recommended item: The rules of the game have changed for rent ... Forever! In this article I will touch briefly on an exampleas effectively with only two of these approaches, direct telephone and mail-seekers can pay substantial dividends with a preparation work well.
Make sure that a large ("different"!) "Marketing Brochure"
Of course, before you can use the phone or e-mail targeted directly responsible for recruitment, you first need something to contact them, and that the course consists of your resume. But before you get your resume in handa human resource manager, you must be absolutely sure that your "marketing brochure", ie your curriculum, designed and presented in a manner that they are "out of the crowd," as she "are perceived differently" ("best") from any other day-to-day resumed the hiring manager. Let me give you an example of how effective approach to this task.
Recently, my attitude was firm with a candidate who had a degree in chemical engineering and working conditionshad a role in production environment at a chemical plant. While we earnestly "worked" his CV the best he could do, let me only one of the improvements to his resume.
Here was one of the "bullet points" was in contact with its curriculum:
• I was responsible for the second layer assembly line
I think we can agree that there is much more exciting or interesting at this point. After asking the candidate some questions, I learned that hesupervises a team of 12 people. I asked him what he thought made him uniquely different!-O better than production supervisors. He said he and his team had increased production. OK, OK, I said. (. We have made progress) The next obvious question was: "How much?" His answer: "Four per cent." So far, so good. "This result in increased profits or savings for the company?" I asked. "Well," allowed ", has come to save the company about $ 348,000 inProduction costs. "
Now we had to say something, add something strong at this point in his life!
On the basis of incoming applications, here's how we describe this helped:
• Managed and led a second shift team of 12, while increasing production by 4% and saving the company $ 348,000.
First, note that we replaced the word "responsible" with the much stronger, final words "managed and led." These action verbs,and your resume should be as many of these types of words can, without exaggeration, of course, included.
Then, as now in close teamwork labor market is very much appreciated that recruiters and companies have changed the "second-level line" to "team second round."
Then we studied until we have some numbers of new candidates, adding that a team of 12 to increase four percent of production, and, above all, an amountSavings for the company, $ 348,000. The figures help human resource managers and companies quantified results and performance, an important consideration when companies today are looking primarily staff, the "'em to save money," is to "make" money can em ", or reach, ideally, both.
Now you get the high impact marketing brochure, "What is your curriculum, before the hiring manager using U.S. certified mail, followedwith a phone call! DO NOT I repeat NOT! Application on-line via the Internet! Why USA e-mail? Because email has become so pervasive in world affairs today, it is quickly becoming another form of "screening out" candidates, the right to voicemail. "Snail Mail" on the other hand, actually get a closer, because it is becoming more and more rare!
Once you're sure it's spent enough time on your resume by mail (with a well-crafted one-page letterintroduce themselves and tell the hiring manager what you can do for him / her and the company they represent, not what you are trying to get them!) reached the hiring manager, you must then follow with a phone call.
If this approach works every time? Of course not. No one approach works. But, I can say it works quite often very seriously thinking of pulling the job search! If you stand out from the crowd?Very definitely! Why? Since almost none of its competitors, namely other job seekers know how to use it, or if they can not use it for, is not simply "go to" bother to do so, many do.
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