High Paying Jobs - Discover Instant Signs & Warnings That Unveils Your Job May Be Terminated, Part 1
As of December 08, over 1 million jobs have been terminated within 2008. And it still continues. Your high paying job is definitely at risk whether you realize it or not. I have experienced the downsizing syndrome at my formerly high paying job a few years ago, and the funny part about this is, the warning signs are always the same. Sometimes it may seem unusual, but still it's the same.
Some employees were not threatened in the least because they thought it wouldn't happen to them. Don't you be naive like the other millions of victims at your high paying job just because your boss stated "not to worry." While working hard to provide for your family, constantly stay alert for these deadly signs at your high paying job to know then your position is at risk.
1. Resume building session. In my last few months at my job, I witnessed a resume building session held by the company. They were actually teaching all employees how to prepare and build a resume for a change of career. I worked at a large bank for my high paying career, and when I saw this happening, I quickly realize that my career was at risk, even though the boss stated "not to worry." Follow your own tuition.
2. Job layoff in other departments. If this isn't a blunt enough sign for you to recognize, just keep on reading please. When other departments at your high paying job, starts laying-off employees to create an extra surplus in company revenue, your department will be next. No matter how secure you think your position and department maybe, it's still expendable. No position is ever guaranteed. Even the president at my former bank job I worked at was eventually terminated, Wow!
I've witnessed friends of mine whom I've talked to one day, and the next day without noticed they were gone. I've witnessed a brand new I.T. department at my high paying job do an enormous job cut; and this department is suppose to be above all. Once again, no position is guaranteed!
I'm warning all of you naïve high pay job employees to take notice of the instant signs and warning, and start planning ahead to progress in your career, even if it's choosing another high paying Job.
If you thought these were signs of your job at risk, then read Part II because it unveils hidden and the not so obvious signs you wouldn't normally pay attention to.
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