
Job Negotiation Tips - Strategies to Get a Raise

You've been in your company for over three years now. You know that you have put in your worth in terms of salary, and more besides. You're loyal, you're polite and even warm to the bosses, you are nice to everyone in the office, and you know that you are the epitome of being a model employee.

But somehow, you are dissatisfied with how they compensate you. You surely want more. No one wants a salary fit only to buy milk. And this is when you should work on your raise-asking skills. And I'm pretty sure. You are desperate for job negotiation tips to show you the way.
If you notice, no one ever got to the top by waffling or being indecisive. Let's look at the facts. Though Bill Gates played it nice, at the end of the day, he made an empire for himself by seizing things at the right moment, through shrewd strategy, stealth, and force that is unmatched.

Though negotiation should never be overtly forceful, it needs the gumption backed by shrewdness and strategy that we see in dynamic CEOs.

Job Negotiation Tip #1: Think Like a Would-Be Bill Gates.

When executives think, they don't waffle about. They brainstorm, research, strategize, and go into battle fully armed. Attack your raise-asking similarly. Mull over how you are going to get it. Research on how others got that raise. Research on the salaries of people on your level. Strategize on how you are going to do the timing of your salary-raise pitch. And arm yourself with courage, and a leak-proof plan on how to make your pitch to your boss.

Job Negotiation Tip #2: Applying the CEO Traits The Right Way

Of course, it's a big no-no to ask for a raise with an ego like the stereotypical CEO. When you go negotiate for that raise, leave the CEO ego behind, but keep the following traits:

● Keep a sharp mind at all times. When your boss interrogates you why you deserve that raise, be sure to back it up with the evidence why. Build a tight case. Make sure he can't say no.

● Be persuasive. Study the right words people use to get that raise surely. Pattern your pitch after the best raise-getting talks, and do it with that CEO confidence.

● Strike a balance between dynamism and humility. Be confident, but not egotistical, be aware of your strengths, but not be full of yourself, and never show that you feel like you're better than anyone else. Truly great people are humble.

Job Negotiation Tip #3: Learn More to Earn More

To get that CEO attitude down pat (to use for job negotiation), learn from the best of them. Learn from the best CEOs in the industry. Learn from Bill Gates. He toppled over Steve Jobs' head start in the personal computing industry through these key things:

● Being observant, picking up cues, and using these to your advantage.

--Bill Gates picked up on Steve Jobs' passionate request to not release a mouse-based Operating System before Jobs did, and released one months before Jobs released his. The result was a blow dealt to Apple Computer that edged it out of the market.

--Observe the conditions in your workplace. Observe what makes it likely for your boss to grant a raise. Then use that knowledge when you move in for the kill.

● Researching to deepen your understanding of what you are about to tackle.
--Bill Gates had one of his employees look into how the Apple graphical, mouse-based operating system was created. This stealthy research gave him edge he needed to topple down Steve Jobs.
--Arm yourself with knowledge about your boss' personality. What approaches persuade him to grant raises? Ask around, casually. Inject your probing in casual conversations with those successful in asking for a raise. Know what you are up against. Knowledge truly is power.

● Not being afraid to step up and take what you want by force.

--Bill Gates used the previous two skills to stack the cards against Steve Jobs. Eventually, he made the bold move and rendered Apple Computer crippled for ten entire years (1989-1998).

--No successful person ever succeeded by waiting for success to fall on his lap. Take heart, take courage, and go get that raise!

Job negotiation requires skill and strategy. These job negotiation tips are culled from the habits of those who made it to the top. Read, study, strategize, learn, mull over, and have courage. You can get that raise. Arm yourself with knowledge, and nail that raise!


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