
Jobs in Miami Florida

Miami Florida is the largest area in Southern Florida. Miami is one of our nations most culturally diverse areas. Its population is widely mixed with American, Mexican, and Latin cultures. Jobs are readily available in this busy metropolis.

Miami is home to some of the world's largest companies. Marriott International, Florida University, and Wachovia are some of the towns largest companies. They offer employment to a wide variety of Miamis community.

The average income for employment in Miami is $23,000 a year. The average household income for a family in Miami is around $25,000. This is one of the lowest rates in the nation. The average population does not even have a high school diploma.

There are a wide variety of jobs available in Miami. Some of the most popular jobs are nursing, administrative assistant, physical therapy, and maintenance related. To obtain these jobs usually some type of college or technical training is required.

These jobs pay a higher than average rate. These jobs average earnings are $30,000 to $60,000 a year.

Sales jobs in Miami make up about 22% of the job chart. These jobs are easier to obtain. They have schedules that are less desirable. There is a high turn over rate in the sales industry. If an effective producer in these jobs, a good income can be obtained.

Food Service jobs make up 22%. Working at any type of food service location is very popular. These jobs are readily available. Miami is home to a large variety of restaurants and fast food chains.

Management related jobs are 21% of the job market in Miami. Managers are always in demand. These have decent pay around $60,000 to $80,000.

Miamis largest producing Job opportunity is in the tourism field. This category makes up 35% of the job chart. About 3,000 more people were employed last year by jobs in tourism related fields. This field is rapidly growing offering residents with promising hope for more employment opportunities.

Miamis location has played a large role availability of jobs. The city is located close to South America. This makes Miami a big location for importing and exporting. Jobs are becoming more readily available in these fields. Trucking companies, ship yards, and aviation jobs are all benefiting form the import and export demands.

Miamis job market is on the rise. Despite the decrease in the nations economy, and the recent drop in the stock market, jobs are still readily available. Companies are always looking for employees to meet there struggling business needs.

In order to get a high paying job in Miami go to distance learning bachelor degree and learn how you can upgrade your skills.


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