
Hospitality Jobs

Organisations spend hundreds of thousands of dollars on training in an attempt to get employees to perform to the standard the organization requires or more importantly what the customers expect. On to many occasions this money is wasted and to often a good employee will after two months go from being considered exceptional to being just like the rest. Why?To succeed in the Hospitality Industry there are several things that an employee must consistently do in order to be considered for a promotion. Below is a brief discussion on some of the main key performance indicators for the aspiring hospitality manager.

Your Bible. Most medium to large organisation will have what is called an employee hand book. This document will outline what the rules of the organisation are. To put it simply; what you can and can not do while you are at work and some times what you can not do at all. Know the employee hand book back to front.

Check your attitude at the door. Time and time again we see new staff start and straight away they have a chip on their shoulder. You had better get used to being instructed on what to do, what the rules are and how things are to be done. The fastest way to put road blocks in front of your career progression within an organisation is to give attitude to your supervisors or managers

Don't call in sick. The most irritating job a manager has to do is cover shifts when someone has called in sick. Almost every day a manager will have to rearrange the roster and call staff to cover shifts.

Everyone makes mistakes. It is a bigger mistake to try and cover it up especially if a manager confronts you about it. Some people will deny the mistake or blame another person. If you take ownership of the mistake that you have made you can turn the mistake in your favour by earning trust and you might just learn something in the process.These are just some of the indicators that hospitality managers are looking in for in an employee to be considered for a promotion to supervisors or manager. It does not take a genius to follow the above points; in fact most people would say that they are common sense. However it is always surprising how many Hospitality employees neglect the basics. Yet they still consider themselves model employees.Consistency is the key and recognition and promotion is the reward.For more information on becoming a hospitality professional visit the link below.


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