Painting Business Management - Why Painters Quit Their Jobs
The number one reason given for why employees quit their jobs is, the job was not what they expected. This must mean in a lot of cases. Communication was not very good. Don't blame the employee, but seek a solution for this. We have to assume responsibility ourselves. After all, we don't want this to happen. It is very costly to the employer. As each job is unique, we should strive to understand what we can do to make this misunderstanding not happen. Communication is the key.
Second reason most people gave for quitting her job was that the job was not right for them. Now I say, how could this have happened? Notably that somewhere along the lines, somebody knew what was going on. Whether it was the employee, thinking that they could do a job that was beyond them were the employer thinking that they could hire somebody that would be adapted into the job. Whatever the reason, the answer is communication. It seems to me that in this case someone is ignoring reality.
A third reason given is that the employee was not given adequate coaching or training. This one would certainly seem to be the entire responsibility of the employer. But it could also mean the employee applied for a job that was above them. Again, whatever the reason is the employer's responsibility. If only to himself, to make sure that he knows whether the employee can handle the job or whether more training and coaching is needed.
The next reason given was that the employee quit because they felt there was no chance of growth and/or advancement. Again, this seems to be just a total lack of communication. If the job is a job where there is no advancement in the employee should understand that it is a job where everyone has a chance to excel. My feeling is that everyone should understand their positioning within the company. Again, the heat is on the employer, although both parties stand to lose. Employers should be proficient in hiring, to avoid costly mistakes.
Being unrecognized, or devalued or put down, was given for the next reason. The fifth reason should never happen. And not only is it a small thing and costs very little, it should be part of every manager's vocabulary. What I mean by that is giving someone recognition and value for a job well done, does so much for people's self-esteem. Good self-esteem builds good employees.
The sixth reason is burn out or stress from being overworked. So whether it's physical stress or mental stress from overwork, some people said this was their reason for quitting their jobs. Stress can take many forms, and it may not be direct stress, but could be caused from stress from family members, because the employee is not spending enough time at home. Again, it's preventable, and the answer is better communication.
The final reason given for people to quit their jobs is that they have lost all trust and confidence in their employer. This could be the direct result of a problem occurring between the employer and the employee or could also be the employee noticed the employer doing unethical things, such as cutting corners, cheating on an agreement, cheapening product or make it come from a direct conflict between the employer and the employee. What else is there to be said except that this problem rests directly on the employer's shoulders. It's up to the employer to find out what it is and correct it. So if the trust was lost because the employee he wasn't given what was promised in the employee is one that the employer wants to save the obvious answer is to just fix it.
All these reasons for employees quitting their jobs are directly controllable by the employer. We all certainly want to do better at hiring, if for no other reason than to eliminate very expensive process of hiring and then having to start all over again. I say these are all controlled by the employer. So maybe a little bit gray, some not. It seems, though, even in the case of an employee misrepresenting themselves, a more thorough interview, might eliminate this problem.
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