
Lucrative Jobs in Iraq - Are You Ready?

If you're looking for employment opportunities and considering the Middle East, then rest assured there are plenty of jobs in Iraq. Regardless of your skill set, jobs in numerous industries from semi-skilled to experts of the trade are readily available. Some of the many fields' currently recruiting employees are:

Food service worker - Throughout the country, numerous dining facilities exist on military installations. Help of all types are needed from food preparation to facility management. These facilities are open almost around the clock. Military personnel and civilians alike eat most (if not all) of their meals at these facilities. Many of them are very large and set up in a cafeteria type setting. As you can imagine, it takes a lot of personnel to manage these facilities.

IT Professionals - Information Technology professionals are always needed to maintain and engineer computer networks and systems. This is a field that is in very high demand and can be quite lucrative. These professionals manage the various computer infrastructures throughout the country. It's a plus if you have a US Security Clearance but not always necessary depending on the type of systems that you are supporting.

Mechanics - As you can imagine, there are literally thousands of military and leased vehicles throughout Iraq and they all need to be maintained. The military installations are huge and personnel need to be transported from point to point. These mechanics need to be skilled to maintain all sorts of vehicles from standard cars and trucks to armored personnel carriers.

Construction - You've probably heard in the news of the many construction projects in Iraq. If you have the skills, construction jobs in Iraq are available. Many companies from various nations have been awarded lucrative contracts to support the reconstruction efforts.

Truck drivers - Always in high demand, truck drivers are needed to haul supplies to support the thousands of personnel at numerous installations. The truckers often carry cargo within the safer areas of the country which are patrolled by the military, but are also needed in the more dangerous regions.

Translators - Of course linguists' are always needed. If you are fluent in Arabic and willing to utilize you're highly sought after skills, you can often demand a lot of money. Often these translators go out in the field with the military troops, but at other times they work within the confines of the bases.

Security - Civilian security specialists are utilized throughout the Mideast to assist the military at numerous military installations as well as provide personal protection to high level individuals and dignitaries.


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