
Jobs That Require No High School Diploma - You're Worth More Than 7$ Per Hour

Finding a half descent job that doesn't require a high school diploma is virtually impossible in this day and age. Heck, finding a job that pays more than 10$/hour without a college degree is a challenge. Unfortunately employers don't realize that it's not about what kind of schooling, it's more about your work ethic and your work experiences. Anyone can go to school and get a piece of paper, but not anyone can do a job right. So, how does someone find a job that requires no high school diploma? Through something called ezine publishing.

Ezines are 250 - 500 word articles about areas of your expertise. What you're reading right now, is an ezinearticle. These articles are written to help and inform there users, and that's exactly how you make money as an ezine publisher. The only requirement with this job is that you are a hard worker, you don't need any fancy degrees or went to a prestigious high school/college. This job requires a lot of persuasive writing. You'll be writing articles about the products/services that you enjoy, very short articles (just a couple paragraphs) and you simply leave an affiliate link for the person to click on if they wish. When a purchase is made through that link, you'll get a commission.

The writing can be any style you want, and don't worry about grammatical or mechanics errors. Persuading people isn't about being a good writer, it's about writing with a passion, with a purpose. Some of the most successful ezine publishers have very poor English skills, but they write straight from their heart. Write about the products and services that truly interest you, and success will follow!


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