Are You Skilled in Working with Dogs? Use These Tips to Find and Secure Great K9 Jobs
If you love working with dogs and feel you would be very satisfied with a K9 job, then you'll want to keep reading below.
There are many K9 careers to choose from to fit your likes and capabilities. Some require certain skills and education while others only require that you love dogs! Let's explore these opportunities and how you can find the K9 career of your dreams.
Types of K9 Employment
Whether you want to be a dog trainer or a handler of dogs, or a dog caretaker, there are certain job titles you'll want to consider and understand before seeking a K9 job. Understanding the tasks and requirements of each career will help determine which job is best for you.
A dog handler usually takes the place of a dog owner at dog shows and competitions. The handler travels with dogs (sometimes as many as 10 or 12 of the same breed) and enters the dogs into shows. The handler is usually paid by the dog's owner and may even receive a commission or bonus when the dog wins a money prize. Dog handlers also take care of show contracts, grooming needs of the dogs, and the dogs' specific care and training needs while on the road.
Dog trainers teach dogs and also may teach owners how to handle their dog. Trainers often specialize in dog behavior, but may also teach dogs to hunt, compete, herd, or do rescue and special service work. A dog groomer helps with keeping a dog in good shape and well groomed for competitions. A veterinarian specializes in medical needs of dogs and other animals and must have college training.
Other jobs related to dog shows and training include dog show judges, animal behaviorist, dog sitters or walkers, and boarding kennel personnel. There are also hundreds of workers employed by the American Kennel Club (AKC) for events, education, publicity, and other club affairs.
Requirements to be a Dog Handler or Dog Trainer
Dog handling and training employment requires certain skills if you want to enter this field. You'll likely need to obtain college training and have the ability to patiently work with animals. You should be in excellent physical health for handling unruly dogs. Good communication skills are required if you plan to work in dog shows and help or educate dog owners.
Perhaps the greatest training you can ever receive is by working side by side with a professional dog trainer or handler for a while. Become an assistant or apprentice to be sure you want to get into that particular field. Ask advice and follow their lead to see if you're cut out for this type of work. Even if you love dogs deeply, K9 work is far from easy. Working with a professional will help you see the pros and cons of a K9 career. Also, watch dog videos from handlers or trainers to get an idea of what it's like.
The Professional Approach to K9 Employment
Keep in mind that K9 employment is just like any other job. You must be professional in your job search. Create a complete resume outlining your educational background, personal skills, communication skills, and K9 skills. Also, keep a record of any volunteer assistant jobs you do in the K9 career field. Be professional when going on an interview. Dress nicely and be prepared for any questions about K9 careers that might be asked during the interview.
How to Locate Great K9 Jobs
Dog handler jobs and dog trainer jobs are available across the United States and even around the world. If you want to find a K9 career locally, check your local newspaper in the classifieds or ask a local animal hospital, grooming service, veterinarian, or even the local animal control office if there are any jobs available locally. For statewide or national jobs, check dog-themed magazines, or attend dog shows to ask if there are any openings.
Also, do an online job search for K9 employment using area-specific keywords or keywords relating to the type of K9 jobs that interest you. There are also websites that specialize in K9 employment for trainers and dog handlers. Check these often to find the right job for you. You'll soon realize how rewarding working with dogs can be!
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