Job Interview Strength and Weakness
In an interview, it seems that a lot of questions flying around - and they usually do not mean a thing for you. However, the answers may be more important than we first thought. One of my most memorable jobs was also a very memorable interview. I'd be asked a teacher at a local preschool, and now sat in a desk being interviewed by my future boss - the director of the school. "What would you consider your weakness?" she asked, as soon as the introductionhave been made. "I am a very shy person when I first met other people have," I replied with a faint smile. "It is a bit of a disadvantage, because it is misunderstood as a snotty, or better-than-thou attitude." She nodded and laughed. "I have had the same problem!" She answered. "I have to be a ton of people tell me that they thought I was a witch, when she first met me!" Of course, had started the "witch" word that they actually talked about a "B".
Do not worry, your weaknesses, but notequal to one to make, or you are using, you may have heard before. The best games of abused and "weakness" would have the saying, "I have fallen too much of a man!" They would certainly be to wipe the brown from the nose that! Moreover, it is probably only make you appear fake and convincingly to the interviewer.
What got my interview for the teaching was much more unexpected than I thought. I was asked, a painfully simple question that I ask myself almost,"What is this lady saying?" The director looked at me seriously, put his head on one side and asked: "If I wanted to send you into a room, even for a few minutes, and you were not with the class or the children, what would your first reaction be? "I laughed and replied:" Probably trying to appease them and keep it busy by playing the Hokey Pokey, or other type of game. "
Surprisingly, I was told later - once I had a teacher there for a while - thatI was the answer to this question, which I had landed the job. Obviously, my strength of the insane, shameless way I could get me a few children in embarrassment! Who knows? Will again be asked to describe family and friends for advice about your strengths and weaknesses, give great insight into themselves. In general you have to put up with a bit of ripping them - especially when it comes to your weaknesses. Just laugh and say it is serious --It is looking for a job in which you. Make sure, however, limit your strengths and weaknesses of the work you are applying. An interviewer at a local department store is not in your interest to force to resist tickling under the arms, just as they are not likely to be interested also in the weakness for cheese!
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