
Internet Jobs For Moms - Honest Work at Home Jobs

Where can an honest working mother find a descent source of income online? Do "Online Jobs for Moms' really exist? The internet is so saturated of "Get rich Quick!" scams and work at home systems that work for about 2% of the people that use them. There are self proclaimed "gurus" selling "systems" that, again, don't work for a vast majority of users. So, where can an honest hardworking mom earn some money from the comfort of her own home? The answer is fairly simple, it's not a complicated "system", or some kind of pyramid scheme, or another one of the thousand internet scams out there. This is an honest internet job for the average mom.

I've been doing the whole 'work at home' thing for quite a long time. I've tried just about everything you can imagine, every online job I could possibly get my hands on. There are 2 methods that I can honestly say worked for me and many others that I've introduced it too. The first, is getting paid to fill out surveys and participate in trials. It sounds a little "scammish" at first, but I'll explain to you why it logically just makes sense, and it's a win for everyone involved. Billions of dollars are spent every year on marketing. Millions of that could have been saved if the advertisers had more knowledge about who they were selling to.

For a very basic example, imagine trying to sell prescription eye glasses to a blind man. That blind man will have absolutely no interest in purchasing a pair of prescription glasses, as he could not benefit from them. Now consider this: Nike wishes to advertise a new pair of basketball sneakers. Nike, in turn, spends millions of dollars advertising in BuisnessWeek magazine. Nike ends up making very few sales from there advertisements and loses several million dollars. In this case, Nikes marketing team did not do there research. The readers of Buisnessweek are mostly males between the age of 28 - 45, who would not be interested in these basketball sneakers. Nike made a mistake by marketing to the wrong age demographic.

These survey services pay you for your preferences. They want to know what kinds of brands you like the most, and what types of brands you'd never give a dime too. This is extremely valuable information to these companies, it saves them millions on advertising in the long run.

The second "job" isn't straight forward and simple, you're not working for just a single service completing surveys. The second is something called Internet Marketing. IM (for short) is essentially about writing blogs and articles about products that you enjoy every single day. It's any moms dream, work from your home at your own schedule. If your favorite brand of paper towels is Brawny, you can write a few paragraphs about why it's your favorite, and get paid handsomely well to do so. Basically, you write about the product, and at the end of your article you leave an affiliate link. It's basically just a link to the website (of whatever your selling), if the person decides to purchase something, you get a commission. It's really that simple. A single 300 - 500 word article generally makes about 30$/month.

If you're interested in either of these online jobs for moms, visit one of the informational links below. It will explain in detail how you can get started, and you can choose which one is right for you.


1 Comentario:

Anonymous said...

Finding the right source to make money, is a difficult part. Your information is rally helpful. I think survey can be easy way to make money. As it involves searching from one to another.