
Tutoring Jobs

There are many tutoring jobs available for tutors to choose from. Many classes are established by professional tutors. They have batches for all the subjects and might need tutors who are proficient in a few particular subjects. Some tutors hold diplomas or degrees in different fields of study and would like to pass on their knowledge. They can approach different tutoring classes where there are vacancies. They are paid on either a daily or a monthly basis. There are about 20 to 30 students in every session that usually lasts for an hour or so.

Many students enroll for tutoring classes because they face difficulty in analyzing the concepts of certain subjects taught in regular classrooms. For the same reason, many instructors offer their tutoring services outside the classroom as well. The intention of the tutors is to educate the students in a particular subject or the entire curriculum. Skilled tutors train students on subjects that they cannot easily identify with and have a problem in understanding.

Parents usually favor tutoring classes since they assure them of their kids getting the required personal attention, which is probably missing at school. Since the tutorials also help students with their homework, parents are relieved of their responsibility to engage in the same back home. After-school tutorials offer more to the students than just bookish knowledge, and hence equip them with up to date facts and practical application. The tutors can also make extra money through the after school tutorials. Some school professors may also take up after school tutorials to guide their students, as sufficient time is not available in the limited period of the school. These tutorials also provide assistance in paper writing skills, essays, articles, web research, and even multiple-choice literature.

Many online sites provide information about tutoring jobs. They may also mention the qualifications and the job profile that are needed in order to qualify for these vacancies.



High Risk Jobs

The American Lung Association states that lung cancer has killed more than 150,000 people each year. More often than not, people are suffering from diseases which they acquired from their line of work or their high risk jobs. An alarming increase of lung cancer has been documented. In most cases, these people have been exposed to second hand smoke at the workplace, or they have inhaled dangerous chemicals and substances they should have been warned about. Lethal among the substances is asbestos. The government has taken steps to protect both worker and employer in high risk jobs as asbestos litigation spirals upward. The damage to life is irreplaceable and billions of dollars have been spent to pay victims and their families

Many of those suffering from lung cancer are associated with high risk jobs as shipbuilders, pipe fitters, insulation installers, tile workers, welders, refinery workers, and sanders. These are considered high risk jobs for the consequence in later years. Wondering why? Shipbuilders are always in contact with insulation material called fiberglass. Fiberglass has been known to cause cancer in laboratory animals. Fiberglass is a carcinogenic substance, and this has been known for more than 20 years before companies decided to do something about it. More than just fiberglass, though, Shipbuilders are most likely to be contaminated with asbestos as many materials for shipbuilding have asbestos as a component in varying amounts - therefore shipbuilding is a high risk job.

Pipe fitting is another high risk job. Pipe fitters are more exposed to asbestos as this dangerous mineral is the basic component of pipes and similar materials. Pipe fitters unknowingly inhale the fibers which become lodged in their lungs. Contamination from asbestos is always lethal. Although asbestos is seldom used in today's industries, it was used widely between 1940 and 1980. Aside from asbestos, pipe fitters are also at risk for contact with benzene - another carcinogenic that causes lung cancer.

Those who install insulation flirt with death and disease through their high risk job. This is another job that has caused lung cancer among the workers. Asbestos is present in insulation materials, and any laborer who has worked as an insulation installer is 92 times more likely to get sick. Another high risk job is working with tiles. They are likely to inhale interminable quantities of asbestos in almost all the materials they work around with - on ceilings, floors, and wall. As they work on the tiles they whiff in the dust which always carry asbestos which will give them mesothelioma cancer or asbestosis. Sanders, unknowingly, are in high risk jobs. Even they have protective gear, they are still susceptible to dust inhalation which may contain toxic fumes from asbestos, benzene and other carcinogenics.

Welding is another high risk job. The metal parts they work with contain a high number of cancer-causing pollutants which they inhale. The pollutants are embedded in the lungs and become a cause for deadly diseases. Meanwhile, equipments in oil refineries contain asbestos. These pieces of equipment include ovens, driers, furnaces, pumps, and heat exchangers. By just being near these pieces of equipment, workers are exposed to the untold risks of lung diseases and mesothelioma cancer.

All laborers in high risk jobs should seek legal advice should they suspect symptoms caused by exposure to asbestos. They all have the right to claim compensation for the undue suffering they are going through.


The Changing Job Market - The Fastest Growing and Highest Paying Jobs of 2008

Whether you are just beginning your educational career or are about to embark on your post-graduation job search, a thorough understanding of the ever-changing job market is necessary for success.

While there are jobs available in every field, be sure to research what experts are saying about hot jobs and particular industries. Some businesses are passing trends, and today's hot jobs might be cut back next year. Some industries have not been predicted to grow in the coming years, and so offer little chance of advancement or even lateral movement. Your objective is to discover the industries that are expected to grow and get involved while opportunities are available and job descriptions can be self-defined.

For 2008, the United States Census Bureau reports that the professional service, managerial, clerical, and production industries will provide the most jobs for Americans. reports that the fastest growing national industries are health and medical services, including residential, outpatient, and facilities support services, educational services, software publishing, and management, scientific, and technical consulting services.

Industries outside of health care are also expected to provide more jobs during 2008. Cable and subscription programming, Internet publishing and broadcasting, and computer systems and design services are all expected to expand. The lowest job-producing industries include technical, farming, craft, and sales.

Besides being aware of which industries are most likely to hire new employees in 2008, job-seekers also need to research the amount of income these jobs will provide. Just because there are a number of openings does not mean a job will provide enough to make ends meet or achieve the lifestyle you want. According to the United States Census Bureau, the highest paying jobs of 2008 will be in the fields of engineering, computers, and business. The lowest paying careers will include education, science, and liberal arts.

According to statistics, the hot jobs of 2008 will be in the medical and health profession, and consultation services. Your objective isn't just to find the best careers out there; you need to discover the best careers out there for you. Your perfect career will balance the salary you expect and the kind of work that interests you. Financial success is essential, but so is emotional and spiritual fulfillment.

Keep an eye on the job market. New industries emerge all the time, and your best chance of success depends on your ability to get on board while the field is still growing.



Jobs You Can Do at Home - 4 Easy to Do Jobs

If you are like everyone else, you are probably dreaming of jobs you can do at home. This is especially true when you have kids because you want to spend as much time as you possibly can with them. You don't want to miss a thing.

Then again, you may be looking to simply get out from underneath the thumb of a boss.

No matter your reason, here are 4 easy to do jobs that you can do from the comfort of your home:

o If call centers can route calls overseas, they can route them to you. There are more and more companies employing people out of their homes. There is no more having to commute when the calls can be routed to you and you can take care of them at home.

o Start a web business by finding a product that you can market. This means you can deal with one company or multiple companies in the same niche and sell their products for a commission. This is commonly referred to as affiliate marketing, but it is possible for you to market the products and conduct the sales form your own site if you work out that sort of deal with the company.

o You can make online auctions your career. Find items in your home and at yard sales and make yourself some serious cash.

o You can take paid surveys. This means that you answer questions that companies throw out at you to help them make better decisions about their products and services.

So if you are looking for some simple jobs to do at home, here are some ideas for you. There are plenty of opportunities out there on the Internet, so take a look around and see what suits you.



When Volunteering Helps Your Job Search

As a volunteer, individuals offer their services without receiving a salary or wage in return. It is an act that is performed of his or her choosing and desire. Sometimes, volunteering is a decision that is made because one wishes to give back to their community or wants to feel the warmth of helping others, while others undertake volunteering for a different reason - furthering their job search efforts. In order to obtain a paying job, many turn to the allure of volunteering, which can open many doors from a wide range of opportunities that may emerge during their stay with a company, business, or association.

Although you are not getting paid for your time, energy, and effort, volunteer activity is real work, which often results in some sort of final performance, accomplished task, or level of exerted force. It is through various achievements that volunteers complete real work tasks that others may get paid to do. Often, volunteers assist those on the payroll in accomplishing the daily, weekly, monthly, and something yearly duties scattered about an office or other work setting. During these moments of helping out, a wealth of information and experience is gained. For some, the knowledge and additional skills they develop while volunteering can help in their search for paid employment.

Let's take the volunteer work that occurs within the medical world. Hospitals provide the perfect environment for future nurses and doctors to learn the ropes of the work setting they will hopefully fall into once they've completed their studies. By working side-by-side or in the same vicinity with the examples of the very profession they wish to undertake, they are preparing a great deal for landing the job they wish to acquire when the time is right or the opportunity presents itself.

The job experience allows one to tap into the hands-on familiarity that sets others ahead of the rest when preparing a resume or interviewing for an employment possibility. Volunteers at a hospital may learn tricks of the trade on how to deal with uncooperative patients or become aware in the latest techniques regarding getting the most accurate body temperature or blood pressure reading. The experience is invaluable as interactive contact provides lessons that books cannot teach or prepare students for.

Regardless of whether you are seeking your first job, need a new career path, or have been replaced by what some may view as a more accomplished employee, volunteering may give you the extra boost you need to get on the right path. Volunteering can also help fill in the gaps of a resume when you have been out of work or need to reestablish a new crop of networking options. When it comes time to prepare a resume for potential employers, volunteer labor counts as work experience, which appears as a positive aspect to those reviewing your credentials, skills, and know-how. Also, well-rounded individuals who have experienced a wealth of different job fields through volunteering, increase their marketability as the practice expands their overall scope of knowledge and skill.

Volunteering also comes back to you in ways that boost your chances of gaining paid employment. Most volunteer work results in providing a good reference, which is much needed when filling out job applications. The volunteer also learns valuable skills, such as communication, teamwork, and motivation that will carry on wherever their next job experience takes them. Volunteering also helps to build a professional network that can help future job searches.

Whether you are running an errand down the hallway, chatting with fellow workers in the elevator, or attending a company cocktail party, volunteering brings you closer to an assortment of people who could prove quite beneficial. This is why it is important to make a good impression wherever you are in the job setting; you never know who will be your next ally in your job search. Also, numerous volunteers have found paid employment within the very company or job site they have spent time at, just by proving themselves a worthy team member.

Making the Most of Volunteering

When it comes to volunteering with the aim towards further job experience, there are two different ways to approach this matter. The first is to interact with the people and familiarize yourself with the job setting of the career you hold the most expertise in. The more experience you receive in your field, the better your chances for landing the job of your dreams.

The second approach is to find a challenge that is outside of your normal range of skill. By picking up a different perspective within the work field, you may discover a career calling you never thought of. Plus, no matter where you volunteer, the skills and knowledge you acquire can be used in any setting. For example, volunteering at the Salvation Army Thrift Store may enhance your people skills, which can come in handy when you apply for a job as an emergency room nurse.

Where to Find Volunteer Opportunities

Volunteering can be accomplished most anywhere that you look. No one or one company is quick to turn down a bit of free assistance. Some of the best places to look include hospitals, libraries, United Way, American Red Cross, Habitat for Humanity, animal shelters, youth centers, and not-for-profit organizations, such as a domestic abuse prevention shelter.



High Paying Jobs

When I was a young woman, long before I met my husband and started our family, I never hesitated to go to were the good paying jobs were. Never! Sometimes, most of the time in fact, it took me out of my comfort zone. Away from family, friends and all things familiar and there was generally a period of adjustment. But the benefits of making those moves proved lucrative. I was able to save toward my dream of becoming a world traveler, often repeating this process over and over. Work, save, travel. Work, save, travel. Later, after I met my husband, we both went off together and saved enough in a short period of time, to outright buy a 5 acre piece of property. And I am not talking about highly skilled labor necessarily, just going to places were labor was in demand and wages were at a premium.

There are hundreds, if not thousands of places to go to get the best paying jobs. Some are within your own country, some are overseas like Dubai. It doesn't have to take all your time, or cost a fortune -- in fact, you'll be surprised by how easy, inexpensive, and fast it really is. There are a few simple prerequisites before you jump into your car, train, or plane to your designation, all it takes is a little effort to secure a good paying job

Put a good resume together. First and foremost. If you are lacking in this department, there are many professional services that will help you compile a resume that will capture the attention of potential employers. Decide the nature of the work you would like to do. What would you be able or willing to do for a relatively short period of time. Mining, logging, professional driving, cooking are just a few that I can think of that pay well. If necessary you could upgrade your skills a little just to cap off your resume and ensure a good job. Decide were you want to go. Locally, within your own state, province or country. Or the best yet, overseas. There is a killing to be made overseas. Before you jump into the boat, Research the place you want to go. Are they looking for employees, what are the accommodations, rentals etc like. What is the wage bracket? Benefits, holidays etc etc. Do you need a passport, travel visa, vaccinations? What are the laws, rules, regulations that may apply to these companies or countries? The benefits of taking the leap and going to these outlying reaches for jobs are endless. Money earned and saved. Routinely an excellent benefit plan. Since the job location is as a rule remote, holidays or downtime are often plentiful... I recall making many trips back home for visits. It was a smart move on my part, I was able to fulfill my ambitions. Whatever your goals are, be it travel, go to school, buy property, this may be the route for you despite your age.

If I was young again, or circumstances were different for me,I head straight for Dubai. Dubai is an extremely rich country. Lots of money to spend and spread around. You have all seen the pictures... Dubai supports a luxurious lifestyle, is actually very liberal with few restrictions compared to other Arabic countries. It is peaceful, virtually crime free. More than anything else, a big salary packet,100% tax free and no income tax at all. You cannot expect from any other country. The idea is not that far fetched, give it a try, or at least a little research. Its not the far out of reach.


What Colors To Wear To A Job Interview

We all know that dressing professionally for a job interview can leave a good first impression with the employer, but what about the color of your attire? Have you ever wondered why doctors wear white or police officers wear blue? Or why black represents power and red implies passion?
Different colors influence people in different ways, emotions from trust to aloof and everything in between. Color psychologists and scientists have been studying the impact of colors for years and how people respond to different colors listed below. Keep this in mind when choosing what colors to wear to the job interview.

Black: Represents authority, power, and drama. Black can also make you appear unapproachable and overpowering. So avoid it when interviewing, unless in small amounts or as an accent color.

White: Symbolizes of purity, chastity, and cleanliness. White is a neutral color that goes with everything. It's usually worn in shirts and blouses year round.

Blue: Signifies tranquility, authority, trust, and loyalty. It's the best-selling color globally, and the one with the biggest success rate in job interviews. Blue is the ultimate "power color".

Brown: Addresses credibility and stability. It's the color of the earth and abundant in nature. Brown creates a neutral environment for open discussion.

Beige and tan: Similar to brown, are calming, stress reducing, earthy colors that invite communication. These colors are perceived as nonassertive and passive.

Gray: Denotes neutrality and sophistication. After blue, it's the second most popular color to wear to a job interview. If you want to look confident without being overpowering in black, go for gray.

Red; Implies heat, danger, power, passion, and strength. The most emotionally intense color, red can stimulate a faster heartbeat and breathing. Use red as an accent color to motivate people to make quick decisions and increase expectations. It can also increase emotions during job interviews, so avoid wearing large amounts of red.

Orange: Like red, can stimulate strong emotions. Related to warmth and autumn, individuals who wear orange are perceived as having a strong personality. Bright orange, like bright red, will attract attention and induce intense emotions, so wear moderately in job interviews.

Yellow: Promotes a wide range of emotions, from cheer and goodwill to caution, and jealousy. However, people lose their tempers more often in yellow rooms than in rooms of other colors. It is the most difficult color for the eye to absorb, so it can be unbearable if overused. Wear in small doses in job interviews.

Green: Indicates nature, success, wealth, and security. A calming, refreshing color, green is the easiest color on the eye and most relaxing. Dark green is masculine, conservative, and implies wealth. People will feel comfortable with you without standing out in a job interview.

Purple: Symbolizes royalty, richness, power and sensitivity. It's also the color of passion and love. Purple is often viewed as a "feminine" color, so avoid wearing purple when attending a job interview with a strong gender bias.

Pink: Inspires a variety of emotions, from fun and excitement to calm and low energy. Pink is viewed as a feminine color, and, like purple, should be worn with discretion in job interviews.


Write An Effective Job Proposal

I am simply amazed at the problems some of my colleagues are experiencing regarding writing job proposals for customers. So often I hear that there has been some sort of disagreement between client and service provider, something that can and should be avoided before a project is started. Here are four tips to help you write an effective job proposal letter.

Assume Nothing My junior high English teacher gave his students the real meaning of assume: if you assume something it makes an ass out of you and me: ass-u-me. Leave nothing to chance. When you speak with a client do not assume they understand much of what you have to offer. For instance, I sell website packages. I have learned to spell out everything that I will offer to my customers for a very specific price. If there are any "gray areas" I protect myself by telling customers that certain other expenses will be billed separately. Do not box yourself into a corner and do not pull surprises on your customers as they may think you are trying to cheat them. Keep the lines of communication wide open.

Get It In Writing Save all of your email correspondence with clients including emails you send and emails you receive. Sometimes what is not said verbally is articulated in writing. For example, I write much better than I speak, therefore I am more likely to put my ideas forth via "ink" or "type" than I am to verbalize them. In either case follow up your contact by placing everything in writing. You will need that paper trail in case something goes wrong e.g., a refusal to pay for services rendered.

Make Changes, If Necessary Sometimes projects change as the work goes forward. If it is a minor change, such as cropping a few extra photographs, you can probably "eat" the additional labor. However, if your project increases in size, let's say your clients now want a 12 page website instead of an 8 page site, they need to know that you need to be compensated for the extra work. Specify in your proposal letter that any changes to the project will incur additional charges; remind them of this "clause" should any major change be proposed. Your customer may decide not to go with the larger project after counting the additional costs.

Write a Contract I have done fairly well without contracts. Many of my customers know me quite well, therefore the proposal letter serves as a contract of sorts. I also require my customers to pay me 50% as an advancement; if they walk away from the contract upon completion of my work their website does not get uploaded to the internet. At the very least I have partial compensation for my hard work. Your experience or risk factors may be much different than mine; certainly use contracts if your customers are not well known to you or you do not have a previous business relationship.

In summation, every satisfied customer is a potential referral for new business. Keep those communication lines open and understood and you will garner additional projects because of your sound business practices.

(c)2005; Matthew C Keegan, LLC



Jobs in Miami Florida

Miami Florida is the largest area in Southern Florida. Miami is one of our nations most culturally diverse areas. Its population is widely mixed with American, Mexican, and Latin cultures. Jobs are readily available in this busy metropolis.

Miami is home to some of the world's largest companies. Marriott International, Florida University, and Wachovia are some of the towns largest companies. They offer employment to a wide variety of Miamis community.

The average income for employment in Miami is $23,000 a year. The average household income for a family in Miami is around $25,000. This is one of the lowest rates in the nation. The average population does not even have a high school diploma.

There are a wide variety of jobs available in Miami. Some of the most popular jobs are nursing, administrative assistant, physical therapy, and maintenance related. To obtain these jobs usually some type of college or technical training is required.

These jobs pay a higher than average rate. These jobs average earnings are $30,000 to $60,000 a year.

Sales jobs in Miami make up about 22% of the job chart. These jobs are easier to obtain. They have schedules that are less desirable. There is a high turn over rate in the sales industry. If an effective producer in these jobs, a good income can be obtained.

Food Service jobs make up 22%. Working at any type of food service location is very popular. These jobs are readily available. Miami is home to a large variety of restaurants and fast food chains.

Management related jobs are 21% of the job market in Miami. Managers are always in demand. These have decent pay around $60,000 to $80,000.

Miamis largest producing Job opportunity is in the tourism field. This category makes up 35% of the job chart. About 3,000 more people were employed last year by jobs in tourism related fields. This field is rapidly growing offering residents with promising hope for more employment opportunities.

Miamis location has played a large role availability of jobs. The city is located close to South America. This makes Miami a big location for importing and exporting. Jobs are becoming more readily available in these fields. Trucking companies, ship yards, and aviation jobs are all benefiting form the import and export demands.

Miamis job market is on the rise. Despite the decrease in the nations economy, and the recent drop in the stock market, jobs are still readily available. Companies are always looking for employees to meet there struggling business needs.

In order to get a high paying job in Miami go to distance learning bachelor degree and learn how you can upgrade your skills.



Can't Find A Job?

Why can't I find a job?

If you've been asking yourself this question recently, trust me you're not alone.

Searching for a new job can be a difficult and frustrating task especially when you are out of work or when you are in a job you hate and want to escape.

If you can't find a job and are increasingly frustrated with your lack of results, let's look at the possible reasons for this outcome:

1. You are not getting interviews: If you aren't getting interviews, your resume and cover letter are not doing their jobs. Their job is to get you interviews. Either that, or you are applying for the wrong jobs. Your resume and cover letter need to sell you to the employer and show them why you are the best person for the job. Alternatively, are you applying for jobs you really have no chance of getting? If so, don't waste your time or the time of the employer who might eventually have a job that suits you that you should be applying for.

2. You are getting interviews but not job offers. If you are unable to close the deal in the interview process, look for possible problems: Are you coming across as too aggressive or laid back during interviews? Are you asking for too much money? Is your style of dress turning interviewers off? Are you better on paper than you are in person? Get as much feedback as possible (ask for positive and negative feedback) from any employer you interview with who has turned you down for a job. Make improvements for future interviews by fixing your mistakes.

3. Are your references hurting you? This can be a difficult one to figure out but are you certain that your references are speaking as highly of you as you hope and expect? I've done references that actually hurt the candidate! Yes, bad references do happen and they can cost you jobs. Carefully think about who you are using as references and determine if they are helping or hurting you. If you are finding that employers are doing references on you and you are not getting job offers, there might be something wrong in the reference check stage.


Stock Broker Jobs

If you are someone who is interested in the stock market, understands why the stocks of a company rise or fall, has the discipline to persevere in learning continuously, is trying to seek a way to improve yourself even after you have reached a peak, and if you have the integrity to put your client's best interests in front of your own and not pay attention to how much money you may earn for each transaction, then you might want to look for a job in a brokerage firm.

If you have the desire to be a stockbroker, your task is to advise your customers so they know when to buy and sell stocks; you must, in each and every transaction, achieve the highest profitable transaction.

For you to achieve success in this industry, you have to go through extensive training and licensure exams. You have to pass the General Securities Registered Representative Examination, where you can qualify only after four months of getting experience in a brokerage firm. After this exam, most states would require you to take the Uniform Securities Agents State Law Examination to determine the extent of your knowledge in the stock market. After you take and pass both exams, most companies put you in classes and training programs for as long as two years. After you go through this grueling process, then and only then will you be given the title of trainee. And even after you have garnered some experience, and maybe navigated some successful transactions, most employers still require you to continuously improve yourself by attending training and seminars.

So, your job is not only focused on dealing with the clients, but also on how you improve your knowledge on the market and the industry so that you may help your customers gain the most out of every transaction.


Accounting Job Descriptions

There are a number of categories in the field of accounting jobs for the job applicant. All of them focus on the financial operation of a company, and offer various and rewarding opportunities.

Those coming straight out of the college campus must look for entry-level jobs like account clerk and pay clerk. However, by virtue of gaining experience they will be able to move higher in the chain and get supervisory positions subsequently. But those with higher qualifications, like a Master's degree in Accountancy, can directly enter the supervisory cadre. The supervisory employee supervises accounting functions and prepares reports and statistics detailing financial results. They must coordinate activities and reports with other departments. However, focusing on one or two areas, like Accounts Receivable, Accounts Payable, Payroll, Budget etc., will enhance the employee's experience. By gaining more experience, the job applicant can find more interesting and better paid jobs.

By having a Master's degree in accountancy, the job applicant can get managerial positions as well. In fact, the role of an Accounting Manager mainly revolves around managing the Accounts Receivable function within the organization's established policies. The manager must work closely with other staff and oversee completion of all work including posting, processing, and verification of receipts, credit claims, refunds, interest charges, and others. The manager must also keep pace with the changing accounting practices that the government or the governing bodies announce from time to time. This will help in discharging duties in a proper way and the company will stand to benefit largely.

For instance, to follow the generally accepted accounting principles, the Accounting Manager is required to take special measures. This is mainly to meet the Securities and Exchange Commission's (SEC) stipulations, as this single procedure will not only eliminate fraudulent means adopted by some companies, but will also help the stock- holders to get financial information without any trouble. Therefore the Accounting Manager must oversee the preparation of the filings and submit them in time to the regulatory authorities. Such work not only enhances employee satisfaction in accounting jobs, but also makes them more loyal to the company. And the company will in turn reward such people with better pay and perks from time to time.

Accounting jobs can be rewarding, both financially and in terms of job satisfaction. To attain a higher position in the field, the applicant will need to have a Masters Degree or on-the-job training. Accounting Managers must work closely with all financial departments in the company, and make sure to follow legal guidelines. This is an important job, which improves the functioning of the company and working conditions for its employees.



Adult ADD: Does Attention Deficit Have You Bored with Your Job-Get An ADD Job

Some people with attention deficit have to get pretty good at getting jobs because many of us get bored with what we're doing. Some ADD people wait until they are fired before leaving a boring situation. That's not a good idea. Actually, jumping around isn't a good idea at all, but some of us with attention deficit just haven't found the right job.

The best thing to do, when your ADD brain just can't stand the boredom anymore, is to quit before you are fired. When you notice that your performance is going downhill, it's just better to quit. You might tell your boss, "Listen, I'm just bored. A raise won't help. I need to get a different job." If they like you enough, maybe they have something you would like to do better and it will all work out. But often, you'll just have to find another job.

But that presents another issue. If you have too many jobs, people won't want to hire you. They'll figure you're irresponsible or flaky, while all employers want stable people. If you shift jobs too often, you'll have to get really good at getting jobs, or you'll be down on yourself and frustrated with your ADD. But it doesn't have to be that way.

First, to prove a point, let's go to the starting line and outline what it takes to get a job.

What if you just wanted to get a job as a dishwasher in a restaurant? That should be easy, right? Still, there could be many people trying to get the same job. Here's how you make sure that you get the job:

Type up a cover letter, and describe an experience that you had when you went to that restaurant to eat. For instance, "I came here and I ate one of the best pizzas I'd had in my entire life," or whatever it might be, and tell the person reading your letter how much you enjoyed going to the restaurant and the friendly wait staff, and mention that you'd be proud to be able to wash their dishes.

Sign the letter and then, include a resume. Even if you're still in high school and the only thing on the resume are extracurricular high school activities like running on the cross-country team, whatever--anything you can possibly put down there as far as your skill sets are concerned.

Put down as many references as you can think of, including family members, if need be.

Walk in for the interview wearing the nicest outfit that you own. A nice shirt and tie would be good, but not a t-shirt. The fact is, when you go in with more integrity than any other person trying to apply for a dishwashing position, you'll probably get the job.

But the same thing applies when you're trying to get any kind of job. It's all in the presentation.

Let's say you're in construction and you want to be a foreman, or that you work as a bank teller and want to be in consumer lending, or that you're a middle manager, hoping to get to the top. It all works the same way. To impress employers, you have to put your very best foot forward.

Yet, it really comes down to this: All you have to do is to out-do all the other people who aren't trying so hard. That's it; that's all you have to do to get a good job. Basically, you're selling yourself to someone. You're convincing someone to do business with you, to give you money in some way, shape, or form.

Hopefully, you'll find the job that works well with your ADD, and we've talked about that before in other articles. Good jobs for people with attention deficit include jobs that have lots of diversity because ADD people do get bored easily.

Find something where you can use your ADD creativity to come up with solutions to problems. Computer analysis is perfect for someone with attention deficit because we're good detecting things. Or, even, actually become a detective or a real estate agent. Any job where things are constantly shifting and changing, within a framework that you can control, where you have to come up with ideas, should be ideal for someone with ADD.

The whole thing is that if you want the security of a job, you'll have to find something that fits with attention deficit. Otherwise, you'll be unhappy, down on your ADD (which is a gift, by the way), and bored and your employer will ultimately be unhappy with your performance. Don't take just any job. Find an ADD-friendly job that's right for you.


A Tip For Keeping Your Job

Most of the publicity about the dismal job market has focused on big corporations. But an even greater effect has been felt by small businesses. The local diner, the neighborhood "Joe the Plumber" and the hometown newspaper have also drastically reduced employees. Whether you are a financial analyst at a big bank or a waiter at a local restaurant, there's a real possibility that your job is in peril.

As we are all learning, the entire work landscape has shifted. In what we now refer to as "the good old days," measurable factors like education, training and experience trumped intangibles like attitude, enthusiasm and cooperation when it came to employment status. But in these challenging times, the decision to keep someone on the payroll often has less to do with degrees and diplomas than with personality and attitude.

You may not have even thought about this before, but this is the time to spend a few minutes looking at life from your boss's perspective. If you do, here's what you may discover:

Most bosses hate to lay off employees. It's no fun to sit across from someone who needs, wants and sometimes even loves a job and hand them a pink slip. Letting someone go is not a power trip. It is a painful part of being an executive, manager or business owner.

Most bosses don't need or want more headaches. These are tough times for everyone, including your boss, and he or she probably has serious problems that you are not aware of. For this reason, an employee who doesn't add to that long list of irritants, has an advantage over one who does.

This is not the time to be "high-maintenance" or "complicated." If you, say, have a temper or a tendency to miss those Monday morning sales meetings, you may find yourself out of work sooner rather than later. This economic climate can't accommodate workers who have personal issues that interfere with the smooth running of an office or a business.

Check your ego at the door. It would be nice if we lived in a world where our concerns, priorities and egos were important to everyone with whom we came in contact. But until that new world order arrives, our best job insurance is to slap a smile on our face, be as helpful and cheerful as possible, and go out of the way to make life as pleasant as possible for the people who sign our paychecks.

Lots of people who never imagined that they would be out of work now find themselves unemployed. The good news is that these tough times will eventually pass, and the economy will stabilize. But the bad news in that we are all facing challenges for which we are unprepared.

Whoever thought that banks would fail, Starbucks would become a "treat" rather than an "essential," foreclosures would hit our block, or layoffs would affect our family? One of these days, we'll look back on this recession and consider the way we all had to recalibrate our coping skills.

You're smart and you'll manage to re-educate yourself about the coping skills needed to ride out these rough times. The same way you now "pause" before parting with your hard-earned cash, you'll soon learn to shift gears when at work. These are the times when great employees and great companies go into an survival mode, and now is the time to make sure that your boss considers you absolutely, positively essential to his or her wellbeing.


What Anesthesia Technologist Jobs are all About

Among the many healthcare careers available, anesthesia technologist jobs are among the most challenging for the amount of training required. The good news is that anesthesia technologist training can be completed in less than two years.

Those considering training anesthesia technology jobs may be wondering just what such jobs entail. Those in anesthesia technologist careers assist anesthesiologists in their work. This involves formulating and implementing anesthesia care plans and setting up the appropriate equipment. Anesthesia technologist training includes learning how to set up cardiac monitors, breathing apparatus and suction equipment during medical procedures. At anesthesia technology schools, students learn how to calibrate and perform maintenance on a range of sophisticated medical and surgical equipment.

When you have completed your anesthesia technology education, you will have knowledge of how to place surgical equipment, medical terminology, and the sequence of operation procedures required when providing assistance to the physician, anesthesiologist or nurse anesthetist. Anesthesia technology training also gives you the knowledge and authorization to order supplies, drugs and other equipment; often, those with jobs in anesthesia technology also wind up doing the "grunt work" of organizing and managing anesthesia workrooms.

Why should you consider training at one of the nation's anesthesiology schools? What is the outlook for anesthesia technology careers? You can expect to earn somewhere between $20,500 and $36,200 per year, or $16 to $18 per hour, depending on your level of experience and where you live in the country. Because of general demographic trends indicating that the average age in the country is rising - in other words, becoming older - healthcare careers such as jobs in anesthesia technology are expected to grow faster than average in the coming years.

Numerous universities and colleges offer anesthesia technology training over the Internet. By taking classes online, one can train for anesthesia technologist careers on a flexible schedule, often at his or her own pace, in the comfort and privacy of one's own home. Anesthesia technology schools online offer the same material as those at traditional institutions; students hear lectures, complete assigned readings and written work, and participate in class discussions. Thanks to the growth of Internet technologies such as e-bulletin boards and podcasting, the delivery of such education is easier and more economical than ever.

If you are not sure about pursuing your anesthesia technology education over the Internet, you should consider simply taking a non-credit continuing education course online to see if this new and innovative form of learning is right for you.



Banking Jobs

Modern banks have highly trained staff for delivering top quality service to customers. Other financial institutions like insurance companies now offer most of the services provided by banks. Owing to this intense competition, banks need top quality staff that is talented, reliable, trustworthy, and communicative. Many banking jobs are in specialist areas such as IT and corporate banking.

Entry-level jobs will probably involve processing checks so that the employee can meet the strict deadlines for overnight delivery to the bank's head office. These employees are also involved in answering customers' questions and are the bank's front line executives.

If the employee shows aptitude and initiative, he or she can become a supervisor, carrying responsibility for his or her own team. Once this employee passes their professional banking exams, he can be in charge of the whole branch. Graduates can expect to be placed on a fast track learning course, spending about two years moving through different jobs within the bank while learning how the bank works before being promoted to a management position. Managers need a wide knowledge of the financial services available and should know when to bring in specialist advisers from other areas of the bank.

All banking staff is expected to attend regular in-house training courses throughout their career to learn about new developments. Working hours of the staff are generally from 9am to 5pm, but working patterns can vary. Some branches will be opened on Saturdays and some are even open on Sundays.

Salaries depend on the roles and responsibilities of the employee and the location of the bank. Most banks operate on an annual appraisal system and salary increments are awarded according to the performance of the employee during the year. Profit sharing, subsidized mortgages, and non-contributory pension schemes form a part of their remuneration package.

There is a tremendous range of opportunities in commercial banking, starting at the branch level. Different job options are Credit Analyst, Loan Officer, Branch Manager, Trust Officer, Mortgage Banker, and other jobs in accounting, marketing and advertising, commercial card operations, securities transfer, wire operations, private banking, cash management services and operations and communications. In the case of investment banking, the job options are manifold in areas like corporate finance, merger and acquisition deals, project financing, derivative financing, international sales, and retail brokerage.


Crude Oil Industry Jobs - Your Crude Oil Industry Jobs Uncovered

Despite recent developments in the energy market such as biofuels and ethanol, petroleum is still by far the biggest player in the energy market. Due to rising oil demand, from countries such as India and China, crude oil industry jobs are on the rise. Now may be a good time for you to look for oil and gas jobs.

There are many different crude oil industry jobs available. These cover the various sectors of the petroleum industry such as entry-level jobs, drilling, management, administration, medical, marketing and the like. The oil industry is normally divided into three general sections: Upstream, midstream and downstream.

Upstream Section: Includes exploration, drilling and extraction of crude oil from reservoirs. Typical jobs in this section are geophysicist, drilling engineer and production engineer.

Midstream Section: Includes transportation of crude oil via tankers and pipelines from the oil fields to the refineries and the refining of crude oil. Typical jobs on pipelines can be oil pipeliner, pipeline walker and pipeline welder. Refinery jobs may include chemical engineer, process engineer and pump system operator.

Downstream Section: Includes the marketing and sales of petroleum products to the public.

You can probably find a job on land or on an oil rig. Offshore oil rigs are structures used to house the various drilling equipment and facilities for the rigworkers. These facilities include sleeping quarters, dining room and offices.

The recruitment process for crude oil industry jobs is normally more hands on than traditional job interviews. Applicants may be given tasks to solve under the supervision of a supervisor. This helps the supervisor to get a better picture of the knowledge, behavior and motivation of each applicant.

If you are new to the petroleum industry, you would do well to increase your knowledge about it. You can find information about the different sections and operations of the petroleum industry by doing research at a library or on the world wide web. This might also enlighten you about all the different crude oil industry jobs in the world.

Crude oil industry jobs are normally physical demanding and may require you to travel to remote parts of the world. There you will need to work for months at a time. However, it can also be an adventurous and rewarding career.


Jobs That Require No High School Diploma - You're Worth More Than 7$ Per Hour

Finding a half descent job that doesn't require a high school diploma is virtually impossible in this day and age. Heck, finding a job that pays more than 10$/hour without a college degree is a challenge. Unfortunately employers don't realize that it's not about what kind of schooling, it's more about your work ethic and your work experiences. Anyone can go to school and get a piece of paper, but not anyone can do a job right. So, how does someone find a job that requires no high school diploma? Through something called ezine publishing.

Ezines are 250 - 500 word articles about areas of your expertise. What you're reading right now, is an ezinearticle. These articles are written to help and inform there users, and that's exactly how you make money as an ezine publisher. The only requirement with this job is that you are a hard worker, you don't need any fancy degrees or went to a prestigious high school/college. This job requires a lot of persuasive writing. You'll be writing articles about the products/services that you enjoy, very short articles (just a couple paragraphs) and you simply leave an affiliate link for the person to click on if they wish. When a purchase is made through that link, you'll get a commission.

The writing can be any style you want, and don't worry about grammatical or mechanics errors. Persuading people isn't about being a good writer, it's about writing with a passion, with a purpose. Some of the most successful ezine publishers have very poor English skills, but they write straight from their heart. Write about the products and services that truly interest you, and success will follow!



Jobs For ADHD Teens

Teens greatly benefit from having a job, whether just for the summer or a part-time, after school gig. However, for a teen with ADHD, a job is much more than just a method of making cash. With the right position, ADHD teens can find ways to build their social skills and improve their concentration and communication skills, creating huge benefits in their everyday life and setting a precedent for the rest of their lives.

Not all jobs are suited for a teen who suffers from ADHD. If you want your teen to get the most out of his job, then it`s a good idea to take the time to find a position that works for him. There are a few guidelines to ensure that the best job is chosen.

Find a Job That Fits

Look for jobs that your teen already has an interest in. It`s far easier for an ADHD teen to pay attention in a job that he or she is fascinated by, so it`s a good idea to look for something that is really interesting for them. This isn`t the only criteria though.

A position that utilizes skills your teen already has will be far more beneficial, particularly for a first job. This allows teens to focus on the process, rather than learning specific skill sets. It also means more time to practice those communication and organization skills.
Pick a Job With Routine

There are plenty of jobs available that change the hours of shifts all the time. You may even come across some that offer alternating night and day shifts. These are definitely not a good idea for any teen who suffers from ADHD. The best jobs for these children will provide a steady routine, which the teen can get accustomed to and work with. ADHD kids thrive on routine and having the same schedule day after day, week after week, can only help with the entire job experience.

Find Out What is Expected Ahead of Time

Your ADHD teen will do far better in the new job if they understand exactly what is expected of them. A sit down discussion with the employer or manager can really be beneficial. Keep the meeting short and take notes on what is to be expected. These can be reviewed as needed.

Going into the job with the knowledge that the work to be done is not that difficult can be a big help. Rather than worrying about whether or not he or she can do the job, the teen is now focused on doing it well and getting along with fellow workers.

Suggested Jobs for Teens with ADHD

Some of the best jobs for ADHD teens are included here, but remember that it will depend on the teen as to which job they will thrive in. It`s always best to choose something you are interested in, as it makes the job much easier.

- Camp Counselor - lots of routine, great practice for communicating

- Lawn Care - this is an active position that can keep ADHD teens involved and working on focus and completion of tasks.

- Sous Chef or Dishwasher - working behind the scenes in a restaurant offers plenty of movement and stimulation, keeping those brain cells working.

Remember that not every job will be suitable for your teen. Each person has their own individual preferences and it`s important to follow those, or the job could rapidly become boring and unpleasant. Teens with ADHD need a job where they are kept stimulated and interested for best results. Take the time to find the right job and you will be rewarded with a teen who enjoys their work.


Jobs Stuffing Envelopes

If you are looking to work from home, you may be tempted by those ads telling you about jobs stuffing envelopes that will make you loads of money. However, those ads say little about jobs stuffing envelopes and more about opportunities. There is a difference between a job and an opportunity, and jobs stuffing envelopes really are not opportunities at all.

If you are looking to work from home there are a lot of legitimate opportunities. You can find them all over. However, any ad promising your jobs stuffing envelopes are really telling you that you will have the opportunity to make money. More often than not, this "opportunity" comes from a thinly veiled scam. The ad for jobs stuffing envelopes will have you send money to a P.O. Box in exchange for a Starter Kit. The kit is usually a description of how to place an ad for jobs stuffing envelopes to get more naïve people to send you money.

Why are jobs stuffing envelopes a scam? First of all, there are no companies that will pay a person money to stuff envelopes when machinery is so advanced it can do it for much cheaper. You would never be able to keep up with the machinery that stuffs the envelopes for less than 50 cents each.

Second, you should never have to send in money to find out more information about jobs stuffing envelopes. This "good faith" payment has nothing to do with "good faith" on the company's part. It is a way for the company offering jobs stuffing envelopes to take your money. A legitimate business will let you know what they do and how they do it up front. Another version of the "good faith" payment with jobs stuffing envelopes is a processing fee.

Another form of the jobs stuffing envelopes scam is actually a pyramid scheme. You do stuff envelopes, but they are ads that tell others about the opportunity of jobs stuffing envelopes. You get paid when the person sends you the money. This is illegal, and you do not want to get involved in this type of scam.

The advertisement for jobs stuffing envelopes may also offer you free stamps and envelopes for your "processing fee." You actually will get the stamps and free envelopes, on the self-addressed stamped envelopes from people wondering about jobs stuffing envelopes. Are you getting the idea of the cycle here? Actually very few people today will bother with the SASE, as more jobs are posting free information on the internet and via hotlines. Your jobs stuffing envelopes will probably not reap the kind of return you think.

Read the rest of the article here - Jobs Stuffing Envelopes.


Are You Skilled in Working with Dogs? Use These Tips to Find and Secure Great K9 Jobs

If you love working with dogs and feel you would be very satisfied with a K9 job, then you'll want to keep reading below.

There are many K9 careers to choose from to fit your likes and capabilities. Some require certain skills and education while others only require that you love dogs! Let's explore these opportunities and how you can find the K9 career of your dreams.

Types of K9 Employment

Whether you want to be a dog trainer or a handler of dogs, or a dog caretaker, there are certain job titles you'll want to consider and understand before seeking a K9 job. Understanding the tasks and requirements of each career will help determine which job is best for you.

A dog handler usually takes the place of a dog owner at dog shows and competitions. The handler travels with dogs (sometimes as many as 10 or 12 of the same breed) and enters the dogs into shows. The handler is usually paid by the dog's owner and may even receive a commission or bonus when the dog wins a money prize. Dog handlers also take care of show contracts, grooming needs of the dogs, and the dogs' specific care and training needs while on the road.

Dog trainers teach dogs and also may teach owners how to handle their dog. Trainers often specialize in dog behavior, but may also teach dogs to hunt, compete, herd, or do rescue and special service work. A dog groomer helps with keeping a dog in good shape and well groomed for competitions. A veterinarian specializes in medical needs of dogs and other animals and must have college training.

Other jobs related to dog shows and training include dog show judges, animal behaviorist, dog sitters or walkers, and boarding kennel personnel. There are also hundreds of workers employed by the American Kennel Club (AKC) for events, education, publicity, and other club affairs.

Requirements to be a Dog Handler or Dog Trainer

Dog handling and training employment requires certain skills if you want to enter this field. You'll likely need to obtain college training and have the ability to patiently work with animals. You should be in excellent physical health for handling unruly dogs. Good communication skills are required if you plan to work in dog shows and help or educate dog owners.

Perhaps the greatest training you can ever receive is by working side by side with a professional dog trainer or handler for a while. Become an assistant or apprentice to be sure you want to get into that particular field. Ask advice and follow their lead to see if you're cut out for this type of work. Even if you love dogs deeply, K9 work is far from easy. Working with a professional will help you see the pros and cons of a K9 career. Also, watch dog videos from handlers or trainers to get an idea of what it's like.

The Professional Approach to K9 Employment

Keep in mind that K9 employment is just like any other job. You must be professional in your job search. Create a complete resume outlining your educational background, personal skills, communication skills, and K9 skills. Also, keep a record of any volunteer assistant jobs you do in the K9 career field. Be professional when going on an interview. Dress nicely and be prepared for any questions about K9 careers that might be asked during the interview.

How to Locate Great K9 Jobs

Dog handler jobs and dog trainer jobs are available across the United States and even around the world. If you want to find a K9 career locally, check your local newspaper in the classifieds or ask a local animal hospital, grooming service, veterinarian, or even the local animal control office if there are any jobs available locally. For statewide or national jobs, check dog-themed magazines, or attend dog shows to ask if there are any openings.

Also, do an online job search for K9 employment using area-specific keywords or keywords relating to the type of K9 jobs that interest you. There are also websites that specialize in K9 employment for trainers and dog handlers. Check these often to find the right job for you. You'll soon realize how rewarding working with dogs can be!



Online Proofreading Jobs

Have you ever read a book, newspaper, and magazine aghast at the way the words are written on the page? Do spelling and grammatical errors make you crazy? Then looking for online proofreading jobs may be the answer to your desire to work at home. There are plenty of online proofreading jobs available if you have the skills and know where to look.

Many people think that just having a decent grasp of language and vocabulary is enough to be a proofreader. For the most part, being effective at online proofreading jobs starts with a good grasp of language and vocabulary, but there are some other items like having an understanding of proofreading symbols and techniques that will make you a more desirable proofreader when looking for online proofreading jobs. Having an understanding of how publications are put together will also help you when seeking online proofreading jobs.

If you do not have much proofreading experience, you can start looking for entry level online proofreading jobs. Many companies will outsource their proofreading needs, and they are not always looking for the person with the most experience, making it easier for someone to find online proofreading jobs with little experience. You can also gain valuable knowledge about proofreading through online classes and tutorials, which will help translate into more online proofreading jobs. There are plenty of resources on the web that will allow you to learn the skills needed to be a qualified candidate for online proofreading jobs.

There are a number of places on the Internet where you can look for online proofreading jobs. You can begin looking for online proofreading jobs in the places that most people look for jobs regularly. There are plenty of online proofreading jobs on both major and minor job boards all over the internet. Still, you can also put your foot forward and seek out online proofreading jobs by finding companies that you would like to do work for and contact them about online proofreading jobs. You will usually want to build up significant proofreading experience before you start contacting these companies for online proofreading jobs, as you will have to sell yourself to these potential employers.

Another place that many people find online proofreading jobs are through freelance marketplace websites where people place online proofreading jobs and proofreaders bid on those jobs. These freelance sites are good for both the novice and expert seeking online proofreading jobs, because some clients will be willing to pay more for experience while others are looking for the lowest bid. If you have some proofreading experience, you can also seek out online proofreading jobs by creating your own website to draw in potential clientele.

Read the rest of the article here: Online Proofreading Jobs.


CPA Jobs

A Certified Public Accountant (CPA) is a qualified professional accountant certified by the state. To become a certified public accountant, a person must have at least 150-hours of intense college education in various business, finance and accounting subjects, as well as pass a 14-hour CPA examination dealing with the topics of auditing, accounting, business management, and business laws & regulations (including tax). Because of their extensive education and credentials, CPAs are best-suited for corporate accounting, tax audits, as well as small business consulting.

Once CPAs finish their long tenure of education and training, they can avail of rewarding jobs that are readily available in the business scenario. Almost all effective organizations big or small hire CPAs to supervise their accounting systems, their taxation procedures, as well as their financial flow. Many a times, CPAs even give advice to these very organizations on strategic business moves, as well as smart investing and spending. This is possible because of their great range of experience in the field of business and accounting. Therefore, many companies look for CPAs. Working with these companies is definitely a good job opportunity for CPAs.

CPAs can also function autonomously, wherein they are not attached to any organization. They are available as advisors or consultants to various organizations, individuals and small businesses for a predefined fee, depending on what the nature of the accounting work is and how long it will take. However, such do not pay CPAs as well as jobs with organizations. But in the long run, with the right clients, they can prove to be very rewarding.

A lot of job agencies provide jobs for CPAs, and they give placements according to the needs in different companies. There are a lot of websites that help CPA find jobs as well.


Transportation Security Officer (TSO) Job and How to Get TSO Job

The Transportation Security Administration can't seem to find enough people to fill its job openings. At the top of these openings, are the Transportation Security Officer jobs. If you are a job seeker, by all means, you should consider getting one of these jobs. In this article, I will cover the things you need to secure the TSO job.

The Transportation Security Administration has recently made this job more appealing by establishing career tracks. You can start at the entry level as a transportation security officer or airport security officer as it is called by some people and work your way up. The higher position you attain, the more money you can make. You don't have to worry about being stuck in the same position for the rest of your career, like before.

If you get a job as a TSO employee, you will provide security and protection to passengers, airports, and aircrafts. Those that have done any travelling by air lately have seen transportation administration officers at work. They screen passengers and baggage to make sure nothing dangerous gets on the airplane.

To do this job well, you should posses the following skills:

1. The ability to communicate and give clear directions

2. The ability to make decisions in routine and emergency situations

3. The ability to maintain your focus and awareness in busy, distracting, and noisy situations

4. The ability to lift and carry baggage that weighs up to 70 pounds

5. The ability to operate an x-ray machine

6. The ability to identify and locate life threatening situations and devices. This could include devices that can be weapons of mass destruction.

7. The ability to stand for long hours

Transportation security officer must meet minimum educational qualification. They are:

1. High school diploma or GED

2. Proficiency in reading, writing, speaking, and listening

3. Successfully completion of required training. This includes 168 to 200 hours of classroom and on the job training

4. Pass a certification examination

5. Continue to take recurrent training

6. Continue to pass recurrent certification exams

One year of work experience can replace the above high school diploma or GED requirement. The accepted experience is work as a security officer, x-ray technician, or airport screener.

There are also additional requirements to getting the TSO job. They are:

1. You must be a US Citizen or National

2. You must pass criminal background check

3. You must pass credit history check

4. You must pass drug and alcohol screening

5. You must have good vision

6. You must successfully complete a medical evaluation

7. You must have at least an average hearing

Because of the level of terror threat all over the world, this has become a security sensitive job. Expect to be fingerprinted and photographed. Also be ready to complete some national security paperwork.

There you have it. The things you need to get a transportation security officer job. If you are interested in this career, there is no better time than the present to apply for the job. The Transportation Security Administration needs you and you will be providing a needed service. This service will lead to a nice career and benefits.

Note: You are free to reprint or republish this article. The only condition is that the Resource Box should be included and the links are live links.


Painting Business Management - Why Painters Quit Their Jobs

The number one reason given for why employees quit their jobs is, the job was not what they expected. This must mean in a lot of cases. Communication was not very good. Don't blame the employee, but seek a solution for this. We have to assume responsibility ourselves. After all, we don't want this to happen. It is very costly to the employer. As each job is unique, we should strive to understand what we can do to make this misunderstanding not happen. Communication is the key.

Second reason most people gave for quitting her job was that the job was not right for them. Now I say, how could this have happened? Notably that somewhere along the lines, somebody knew what was going on. Whether it was the employee, thinking that they could do a job that was beyond them were the employer thinking that they could hire somebody that would be adapted into the job. Whatever the reason, the answer is communication. It seems to me that in this case someone is ignoring reality.

A third reason given is that the employee was not given adequate coaching or training. This one would certainly seem to be the entire responsibility of the employer. But it could also mean the employee applied for a job that was above them. Again, whatever the reason is the employer's responsibility. If only to himself, to make sure that he knows whether the employee can handle the job or whether more training and coaching is needed.

The next reason given was that the employee quit because they felt there was no chance of growth and/or advancement. Again, this seems to be just a total lack of communication. If the job is a job where there is no advancement in the employee should understand that it is a job where everyone has a chance to excel. My feeling is that everyone should understand their positioning within the company. Again, the heat is on the employer, although both parties stand to lose. Employers should be proficient in hiring, to avoid costly mistakes.

Being unrecognized, or devalued or put down, was given for the next reason. The fifth reason should never happen. And not only is it a small thing and costs very little, it should be part of every manager's vocabulary. What I mean by that is giving someone recognition and value for a job well done, does so much for people's self-esteem. Good self-esteem builds good employees.

The sixth reason is burn out or stress from being overworked. So whether it's physical stress or mental stress from overwork, some people said this was their reason for quitting their jobs. Stress can take many forms, and it may not be direct stress, but could be caused from stress from family members, because the employee is not spending enough time at home. Again, it's preventable, and the answer is better communication.

The final reason given for people to quit their jobs is that they have lost all trust and confidence in their employer. This could be the direct result of a problem occurring between the employer and the employee or could also be the employee noticed the employer doing unethical things, such as cutting corners, cheating on an agreement, cheapening product or make it come from a direct conflict between the employer and the employee. What else is there to be said except that this problem rests directly on the employer's shoulders. It's up to the employer to find out what it is and correct it. So if the trust was lost because the employee he wasn't given what was promised in the employee is one that the employer wants to save the obvious answer is to just fix it.

All these reasons for employees quitting their jobs are directly controllable by the employer. We all certainly want to do better at hiring, if for no other reason than to eliminate very expensive process of hiring and then having to start all over again. I say these are all controlled by the employer. So maybe a little bit gray, some not. It seems, though, even in the case of an employee misrepresenting themselves, a more thorough interview, might eliminate this problem.


Lucrative Advertising Jobs

If you have ever went jobhunting, which of course most of us have, chances are your search began on the World Wide Web. Unless of course you predate the Internet. Truth be told, there are scores of career websites filled with hundreds of thousands of jobs. There are absolutely tons of jobs available in every industry imaginable. You just need to know where to look, and what to look for. But if I were to pick one industry that never seems to have a dearth of jobs, I would select advertising jobs for that position of honor.

Advertising jobs will never go away because producers will always have to find a market to sell their goods to. And how else will you be able to let the world know what you're selling and by getting the word out through advertisement. Mechanization will never be able to replace the people who work in the advertising industry.

Factories can use robots and machines to efficiently man their assembly lines. A retailer could go online and eliminate the need for sales people. It seems as if most banks don't you want to have branches anymore because it's much cheaper and more efficient to have people go online to take care of their own banking.

But when it comes to advertising jobs, real people will always be in demand. Advertising jobs are some of the most human of all the occupations, talent and experience that no machine can ever replicate. Skillful and well-trained individuals will always be in demand in this industry. Advertising jobs will never go away.

Just take a look at all the curve or web sites online that list job openings, they're all loaded with advertising jobs. Monster for instance has nearly three whole categories in all their global sites that showcases the very best of advertising jobs. Other job boards like College Board, Source Tool and even Marketing Jobs have entire sections devoted to helping talented professionals find and take up advertising jobs. There are headhunters and talent scouts literally combing the country on college campuses looking for professionals, or would-be professionals, of a high-quality to join them in the advertising field.

While most applicants who wish to enter the industry know that most advertising jobs are filled by word of mouth, the industry itself has grown so vast and hungry, that there is always a need for trained professionals who are looking for advertising jobs. And an entire industry has come up to cater to the needs of such professionals. While human resources itself is growing and developing at a rapid rate, one of the first areas where unprecedented growth has been seen has been in the advertising jobs sector. So much so that most conventional human resource professionals have begun offering a slew of services to cater to those who are seeking advertising jobs.

It's really not hard to figure out why. Advertising is a unique and highly specialized field that requires a very human, intelligence touch to be effective. And although there are many qualifications that will enable a person to become an advertising professional, this industry is different in that the individuals who participate in it are really different than what you find in other fields. One who is creatively charged, capable of handling stress and performing under the most adverse of conditions. There is a veritable plethora of advertising jobs in the market place, and these advertising jobs can turn into very lucrative and rewarding careers for the right individuals.



Real Telecommute Jobs

I would like to talk to you about telecommuting jobs from real companies. There's a good chance that if you've done any type of work at home research on the internet you would have come across numerous scams and false promises. You may have probably encountered those sites which charge you an upfront fee to become an employee. Let me say this now. Those sites are scams...ALL of them! You should never have to pay someone to work for them. However, you must be aware of what you are paying for. After all, there are many work at home opportunities which require you to pay for information on how to do a job or an opportunity.

In essence, you are not paying to become an employee but rather for the information the company or individual has taken the time to prepare and present to you. For example, you pay a membership fee to gain access to a database which provides you with hundreds of work at home opportunities. However, you may not be paying for an actual job, just the information to get one.

Telecommuting Jobs From Real Employers

So with that said, I am glad to be able to tell you that there are actually companies who hire individuals to work from home. Many of these are real organizations listed with the BBB and primarily hire their employees to do work for them at home. With all the work at home scams on the net, however, these are not very easy to find.

Jobs can include various categories such as:

Clerical Work
Computer Work
Data Entry
Home Based Research
Medical Coding
and More!

You should note, however, that most telecommuting jobs require some type of skill (just like your real job). If you are looking for simple jobs with no skills required, I won't recommend telecommuting jobs for you.

Wishing you success!


Different Kinds of Nurse Jobs

If you want to be a nurse, it is important to know what kind of nurse you will best be. There are many different kinds of nurse, and each one deals with different responsibilities and requires a different set of skills and knowledge. Nurse jobs differ in kind based on various categories. Before choosing a nurse job, you first have to decide what kind of nurse job you want, or which field you want to enter, then decide if you want a permanent or a contractual job. To succeed as a nurse, you have to know to which post you belong to, so you can maximize the use of your skills.

If you are looking at a nurse job, you can enter the childcare industry and become a nursery nurse. The childcare industry also has many different kinds of nurse jobs, such as nursery nurse jobs, nanny jobs, au pair jobs, and nursery jobs in various settings. The nursery nurse jobs are quite in demand these days. If you don't have prior experience or higher qualifications, you can start out as a nursery assistant. Being a nursery assistant, your job will be to take care of the children and do administrative work under the supervision of higher-level nursery nurses. Once you enter the childcare industry, there are many opportunities for growing in terms of your career. After being a nursery assistant, you can move on t become a nursery teacher or a nursery manager, which is the most senior position wherein you will be responsible for operational details of the entire childcare institute you are working at. Aside from these different kinds of nursery nurse jobs, you also need to choose if you want a full-time, permanent job or a contractual, part-time one. You can also accept nanny jobs and au pair jobs. There are also needs for nursery workers in various settings such as in children's summer camps, and in resorts. The nurse job industry alone is very broad, but the childcare industry takes up much space.

Aside from childcare jobs, you can also become a clinical nurse. That is, a nurse involved in health and pharmaceutical. We can expect this industry to be just as broad as the childcare industry, since it is a medical field. As a clinical nurse, you can choose from which specialization you want to focus on. You can be a general nurse, but choosing this will still present you with another option of whether you prefer the medical or the dental field. Aside from that, you can be an administrative staff, or be involved in clinical research. If you have just graduated, you can get a graduate or trainee post, as well as a practice job. You can also choose to specialize in pharmaceutical, or in scientific and technical. You can also become a therapist, a mental nurse, a maternity nurse, or a theatre nurse. The health and pharmaceutical industry is very much important to the society, so being a nurse in this field is quite a privilege. There are many positions to choose from, so you can decide which one best suits your qualifications, preferences, knowledge, and skills.

No matter what kind of nurse job you choose, the fact is that nurse jobs are given a high regard in the society. Getting a nurse job, any kind, for the matter, will allow you the chance to work and advance as a career person, and to benefit the society as well. You will also get to work with a lot of people, and extend help as well. Nurse jobs are very important, and with the wide variety of nurse jobs that are available, you will be sure to find the right nurse job for you.


List of Good Paying Jobs That Don't Require a College Education

There are plenty of good paying jobs that doesn't require a college education. It's funny because when I was in high school I thought that you need a college education to "succeed in real life". You know what the high school teachers say to kids? "Do well in school or else you'll be flipping burgers for rest of your life".

But you know what? That is just a scare tactic and high school teachers like to use. And believe it or not, college is just a cash cow and it helps the economy.

And guess what? Good paying jobs that doesn't require a college degree are plentiful -- and it does not have to involve skilled labor. You think I'm going to tell you to get a skilled labor job right? Nope.

One way to get a good paying job is to work at the casino. Why? Because a casino is a very stable company -- it is not going anywhere soon. You have to work your way up, from a dealer working at the game tables to a supervisor to a "pit boss" (which is like a manager)

Another good job is to work for yourself. You can easily do this by making money on the Internet with affiliate marketing, or you can sell stuff on eBay.

There are now 1.3 million people in the United States right now that are making a full-time living on eBay. Most of them are just "average Joes and Janes". So it's not that hard because any average Joe can start making money on eBay with very little startup money. And believe me, Ebay is a very good "job" that you can create for yourself.


DUI Records and Pre-Employment Background Checks

If you've recently been arrested and/or convicted of a DUI or drunk driving offense there are many things to consider before actually disclosing your DUI on a job application. First, if you are eligible to clear the DUI record (immediately or in the near future) it might make more sense to explore those avenues before you apply for a job that you really want.

9 times out of 10 most every employer will do a pre-employment background check on you and will uncover the DUI offense which most likely will cause them not to hire you. Most pre-employment background checks are conducted by 3rd party HR companies that are contracted by your potential employer specifically to do background checks. A lot of the big companies use the same outsourced HR company to do their checks so if you get flagged within their system that could in effect ruin your chances of ever getting hired from any company who uses them to perform pre-employment background checks.

So it's definitely something you want to think about and clear up BEFORE you apply and agree to a background check.

But if you take the steps to clear or expunge the DUI record prior to applying for the job there is a good chance that they will never find out about it. So, by spending a little bit of time and educating yourself on what you need to do to take care of your record could pay off big time.
Not every state allows the clearing or expunging of DUI records but even in those states that won't clear your record there are remedies to minimize the damage by keeping it from showing up on background checks. You can get more information at


Software Testing Job - A Cake Job

A software testing job is what is known as a cake job. Basically it consists of sitting at a computer and testing software. Typically this is usually part of another job, but sometimes it is the only task that is assigned.

Why is it Necessary?

New software is written all the time. The software is always tested by the author but it is difficult to really get a feel for the software and to see if there are any bugs until it is used in actual applications.

A lot of software will work perfectly fine in a controlled environment but once it is put into play in a real time environment than the bugs pop up. It is important that the programmer knows what the bugs are and fixes them before the product hit's the open market.

Functionality is also important to determine before the software is offered to consumers. If a product does not function the way it should function in real time than basically the product is useless and needs to be adjusted to function properly.

How Does it Work?

Usually a software testing job requires that the person doing the job uses the software in a real life setting for a specified period of time. The software may be monitored from a remote location by the programmer.

The tester has to take notes about the functionality of the software and utilize every aspect of the software in a number of environments. The tester may be required to use the software with other programs running to check for compatibility. The tester will generate a report which may in include things like how many times the software stopped working, or if any error messages were received.


Compensation usually is not monetary, sometimes it is but usually it is not. Compensation is usually provided in the way of free copies of the software, or some other perks that are related to the software.

Gamers clamor to get on board to try out the latest gaming software, so they can get an early free copy of the software.

In some instances there may be gift certificates or other incentives that are given to try out and test software.

Software testing jobs can be fun, especially when trying out games or other fun applications. Sometimes these jobs are part of another job and are just tacked on as additional duties.



Examples Of Data Entry Jobs

Thanks to the ever-growing development of technology and the desire to work outside of an office, the data entry industry has become a popular job choice for individuals looking for a change. More and more people are being drawn to data entry for its abundance of jobs and flexible hours. One of the biggest perks of the job is the ability for employees to do their work from just about anywhere and, although many of these people work from home, there are still opportunities to work in a traditional office setting. This variety opens up more job opportunities and enables more people to get and maintain work.

There are some great online sites geared toward finding data entry work that can be done from the comforts of home. is a sponsored site that posts hundreds of jobs from various employers and businesses. The site is equipped with a helpful search bar that allows anyone to search all of the jobs and filter out the positions that do not pertain to their individual skills. is another helpful site that matches individuals to the best jobs for them. The site separates the programs into different categories, including one special selection just for women and free services. The site also allows people to join several programs at once to increase their chances of finding a job.

Rather than working for a company at home, some people choose to work for online based companies or businesses that prefer to conduct business via the Internet. Blurtit is a well-designed and easy to use website that is filled with useful tools to make finding this type of work easier. The site takes cues from the Internet and has begun using the blog as a way to help others find work and post questions and concerns for experienced individuals to answer. is split into various categories and is a great place to research and find out the most about data entry before entering the field.

Sologig is an online site that provides jobs in the data entry field as well as in other fields. The site separates the job listings by category, helping to ease the searching process. Also, another company called Aerotek provides a good place to look for online jobs. The company has over 150 offices around the U.S. and Canada, where they have experienced workers available to help find data entry jobs. Aerotek lists new jobs on the site regularly, and the staff strives to find the job that meets each individual's qualifications. Although the majority of the clients end up working online, the company also offers jobs in more traditional workplaces.

While many people enjoy the convenience of working from home or online, there are also some great job opportunities in an office environment. One online resource to take advantage of to find data entry work in an office setting is This site links users to tons of different employers all over the country who are looking for trained individuals to do their company's work. The positions are in a variety of different fields and provide a lot of variety from which to choose. Each job also comes with a detailed job description, what would be expected of a potential employee, the type of training needed, and a description of the work place. The site shows some examples of wages and earnings that particular employers pay, giving a complete view of the job position. DiversityWorking also features certain jobs each week and gives a list of the hottest jobs available at that time.

This is one of the most versatile jobs, allowing individuals to work at home, online, or in an office. Its growing popularity is no surprise, and more and more people are looking to data entry as a way to make extra money or start their careers.


Bodyguard Jobs and Bodyguard Job Training

Before you make a life changing job decision such as throwing in your old job, and possibly relocating for a bodyguard job, it is important that you know what the work entails, and what you can expect with a job in the industry.

Working Conditions

For many people, the main reason for taking up bodyguard employment is because they are almost always guaranteed action in their work, and possibly an element of danger also. However with the bodyguard training they have obtained, they are well versed about how to handle any difficult situations that arise. A properly trained bodyguard is able to fend off 4 unarmed attackers. Also, taking up bodyguard training and working in the industry can allow you to earn a substantial income, especially when you are providing Executive or VIP protection. The average hours a bodyguard will work are 6 hours with a rotation of other operatives, but the company you are working for usually determines this.

The Industry

With the increase of violence throughout areas in the world, more people are taking on bodyguards to protect themselves and their families. Thus the number of bodyguard jobs has increased with the need to increased security for all types of circumstances. The number of security that may be required for one particular occasion can be up to 300 bodyguards while travelling through dangerous areas. The US President can need up to 100 bodyguards at any one time.


There are many benefits to become a bodyguard; some of these include earning top salaries, spending time with celebrities and VIPs, frequent change of location to keep work challenging, and frequent travelling. If you are someone who does mind constant travel, many days away from home at a time, irregular hours and would rather work at one location, then being a bodyguard is probably not the best job option for you.

Bodyguard Qualities

Are you suited to a bodyguard job? You must have the following qualities. These including being physically fit, able to work as part of a team, work independently when required, great observation skills, can maintain client confidentiality, remain calm under pressure, good planning skills and good interpersonal skills then a job in the Bodyguard industry may be just right for you.


Depending on the skills and training you have already undertaken will determine whether you need extensive bodyguard training. Of course any new candidate will need to undertake a basic bodyguard course to understand all aspects of this industry and these can usually be completed at a city close to you. Depending on whom you work for in bodyguard jobs and what your duties are, the following skills may be called upon. These include close protection, Anti-terrorism, First Aid, Risk Assessment, Weapons Disarming, Unarmed Combat, Counter Surveillance, Dispute Resolution, Advanced / Defensive Driving and Executive Protection.


Even if you have no previous experience, it is possible to begin bodyguard jobs, once you have completed approved training. Salaries for bodyguard jobs do vary, but as an example, experienced bodyguards can earn around US $55,000 a year. Bodyguards, who work for VIPs or other people with high security threats against them, can earn over US $180,000 a year. Generally speaking, the greater the threat to the person you are protecting, the more money you will earn by keeping them safe.

If you are serious about wanting to take up bodyguard jobs - regardless of whether its in the United States, United Kingdom, or elsewhere in the world, there is a lot to know before you starting applying for any jobs. Don't ruin your chances in the industry by applying for the wrong jobs or the right jobs in the wrong places - as this can damage your future employment prospects.
