Jobs in Miami, Florida
Miami, Florida is the largest area in South Florida. Miami is one of our nations culturally diverse areas. The population is largely with American, Mexican and Latin mixed cultures. Jobs are readily available in this vibrant metropolis.
Miami is home to some of the largest companies in the world. Marriott International, Florida University, and Wachovia are just some of the city's largest companies. They provide jobs for a variety of Miami's Community.
The average income forEmployment in Miami is $ 23,000 per year. The average household income for a family in Miami is about $ 25,000. This is one of the lowest rates in the nation. The average population is not even a school.
There are a variety of jobs in Miami. Some of the most popular jobs are nursing, administrative assistant standing, physical therapy and care in context. To get these jobs is usually a kind of college or technical training is required.
These jobs payto above-average rate. This job average income of $ 30,000 to $ 60,000 per year.
Sales jobs in Miami accounts for approximately 22% of the job chart. These jobs are easier to reach. You have plans that are less desirable. There is a high turnout rate than in the sales industry. When an effective producer in these jobs, a good income can be achieved.
Food Service Jobs to 22%. It works with any type of food service location is very popular. These jobs are available. Miami ishome to a large variety of restaurants and fast food chains.
Management jobs are 21% of the labor market in Miami. Managers are always in demand. These must be adequately paid approximately $ 60,000 to $ 80,000.
Miami's biggest production of opportunity to work in the tourism sector. This category accounts for 35% of the job chart. Employs more than 3,000 people were in the past year, employment in tourism-related fields. This field is rapidly growing supply residents with promising hopeOpportunities for employment.
Miami's location has played a major role availability of jobs. The city is close to South America. This makes a large Miami-based import and export. Jobs are becoming more readily available in these areas. Trucking companies, shipyards, aviation and employment are all benefiting the form of import and export demands.
Miami's labor market is on the rise. Despite the decline in the countries economy and the recent decline of the stockMarket, jobs are still available. Companies are always on the lookout for people to take there fight business needs.
To get a high paying job in Miami, go to distance learning bachelor's and learn how to improve your skills.
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