Job Market Value
Job Market Value "means, how do I determine my job market?"
A panic candidates on his cell phone from the company washroom called. He had a job interview on the pretext of having to apologize to the bathroom. He whispered into his phone, "I do not think we would talk about money at the first meeting, but they only offered me the job," and they ask me about salary. I do not know howThis item is worth much. What can I do? "
Do you always know the labor market value before you in an interview in force. Of course, you want to avoid finding yourself in this situation. Some people give so much time and effort to be adjusted, then shot himself in the foot when it comes to compensation. You know are worth, you should find out well before you talk money. There is no reason to go to a job interview so unprepared, as are a number of sources you arecan be used to inform themselves.
Of course, you will find the market value of the job position you want, can be easily accessed via the Internet. You can find not only general areas, but sometimes, very specific information. Good sites include:,, and
Some people have a hard time matching their job, a job title. You must choose one - or two, seem perhaps - to be so close. The job, ifis available, you can select a title in the closest possible to the level of responsibility.
Similarly, many journals, including journals, published at regular intervals, salary surveys, so you find the job market for your region.
Your colleagues are other good sources of information. You can not say what they are doing themselves, but they are often very aware and open about what others do. A good source of peer information is professionalOrganizations: the networking events to participate, learn volunteering for a committee to meet people, and you may receive an earful. Plus, many professional organizations periodically publish salary surveys.
This strategy has two other advantages: the right attitude, if the companies are, or needs, you can use and Bulletproofing your career by you in contact with their peers. There is so little job security these days that it pays to stay in touch.
If you are interested inPublic sector employment is often salary information for the public. For example, a man who does not know interested in working in the legislature in another state, if the positions paid well enough or what salary he could upon request. I advised him to list the salaries of all employees legislative inquiry. Armed with this information, he determined that the salaries were within an acceptable range, and he knew how to price.
The federal government has a "GS"Rating System for positions. For example, classify a position as "GS-9" has a number field, can be paid within which a person. While this range is specified, it is sometimes possible for hiring managers to the system a bit for you come to a higher level to manipulate, say, instead of GS-11 GS-9, and you pay more if they really is desired.
Once you have your salary information, it will take some with finesse. You need to know not only what makes the average person, but as your skills andComparing experiences with the average (your job market value). For example, were the salaries of professional baseball players a huge selection. A man who is like a mouse clothes, better paid, the mascot of a certain minor league team than the players. In the meantime, the best ball player, who deserve to make it to the big leagues to annual salaries range from a few hundred thousand dollars to well over 10 million U.S. dollars to a year.
Additional refinement is in negotiations on the advantages and benefits to keysweeten the deal, but that's a topic for another day. A good career counselor will help you with these issues. I recommend buying a copy of the book by Jack Chapman's "Negotiating Your Salary: How To Make $ 100,000 A Minute."
Do what it takes to learn about your job market value. They have hard to develop your skills and work on your job search. Make all that hard work pays off for you. Thousands of dollars are at stake. Visit forfree career tips.
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