
Acing the job interview

Managers' survey styles often differ according to their gender. "Women tend to talkative, popular, also because they want to reassure people," said Aileen Jacobson in Women in Charge: Dilemmas of Women in the authority. Men, on the other hand, tend "to the point and direct .

Both types have advantages and disadvantages. In the interests of candidates feel comfortable, women often played the good hostess that they are not with the help of the concentratedthey need information about the applicant. In contrast, men who have a sudden and excessively can direct candidates to the point that they paralyze the interview to blow.

Many managers interview precious time and describe the sale of the task itself and the organization rather than to the background of the candidate. Remember, it is the applicant, should the sale of this â € "at least initially. Unless you jump the gun when you open an interview with a detailed description of thethe work and the kind of person you are looking for. Later, when you hear a couple of questions, a smart candidate will know exactly what answers you hope to be.

About 80 percent of calls are completely unstructured according to Therese Hoff Macan, assistant professor of psychology at the University of Missouri at St. Louis, who specializes in employment interview research. The result? When the interview is over, and you're with a decision that is facing all and each a. Obliterate

A simple scoring system can help you avoid this problem. Macan recommends that you take a look at your job before the first interview and prepare to take an overview of the attitudes and skills that you are looking for. Next, list all the criteria in order of importance. Then when you start, interviews, rate candidates on a scale of 1 to 10 in each category.

Many managers make the mistake of asking respondents had questions like "Where do you see yourself in five years?"These are questions, which is practically every one of today's job candidates willing - and often trained to answer - to.

Some managers have a tendency to ask questions about that a little more than a yes or (no reply elicit "Do you have a good relationship with your boss at your last job?" Instead of "What kind of relationship you have with your boss at your last job? ").

The purpose of an interview is to demonstrate professional skills and evaluate potential. But if you ask general and simpleQuestions, you get general and simple answers.

A better approach? Share encourage you to address outstanding issues, the candidates for themselves. Put them in scenarios to have the position in context. Questions: "What would you do if ..." Questions can help you zero in on one of the strengths and weaknesses. Moreover, what you see is usually what you get.

Studies show that what people say they would not correlated closely with the hypothetical situations, what they actually do the same in real lifeSituations.

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