Job Interview Tips - Tell Me About Yourself
What is the one question that you KNOW you get asked at the beginning of each first interview?
"So, tell me a little about you ....."
My clients constantly sharing with me that, although it seems like this should be a simple question, they struggle with exactly what to say to answer!
The really good news is that I have a short script to answer this question, and you have to fill it only once! It will be down for several interviews.This is a simple way to break what every time you are asked to say a little about yourself share.
You want your reaction to something that will keep you say in under a minute. This ensures you do not lose the audience.
Their presentation begins with a statement like:
"Well, as you can see from my CV, I did ...."
What do you from there, the State should first of all relevant scientific information, years in the industry or the situation and brief highlights the keyPositions you have held. It may sound a little like this:
"Well see how from my CV, I have 15 years experience in the construction industry. After the study from Purdue University with a bachelor's degree in construction management, I am hired by Turner Construction to serve as project manager in its hospitality division of work . This is where I have my feet wet in project management. I quickly developed a reputation for bringing projects on time and cost savings. "
"ThenI was hired at the company X. .. "
Take this topic to your current position. Spend time talking about your current positions that are most relevant to the position for which you are interviewing .. In most cases this is the position (s) you have held in the last 5 to 7 years.
Its presentation concludes with the statement:
"... I am very excited to be here and learn more about the qualities you seek in one of the leading candidates to learn. Would it be ok totalk now? "
Your interlocutor (s) Your positive attitude of love, and you'll get to learn more about the position - from the horse's mouth, so to speak. Note the main points that they share with you, because these are your talking points for the rest of the interview!
Do not forget to practice your presentation aloud several times, until you feel comfortable. This will enhance confidence, too.
By using this simple technique, you are calm and confidentAnswer to this question - and impress your interviewer in the process.
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