Jobs - Finding Family-friendly flexibility in work
A recent survey by CareerBuilder shows that when comparing the work situations of women and men, forty percent of working fathers say that their companies offer flexible work arrangements, compared to 53 percent of working mothers.
Increasing demand for a second income makes it difficult for one parent to stay-at-home. However, employers have followed the development of the offer flexible and family-friendly schedules. Companies that have taken the initiative in creating the leniencyin planning an increase in productivity, higher morale and better staff retention price found. On the employee side of the hard part is determining where looking for the family-friendly employers.
The following are tips for finding the flexibility in your work schedule:
Meet with human resources. Before the search for a new job quite sure about the company with human resources policies and benefits to speak. Ask for flextime, which gives the employee theOpportunity set their own hours and job sharing, which consists of two or three team members is sharing a single set of tasks.
Demand not to speak with your boss. When your order is that you in the office and in person at any time can not, your boss is willing to cooperate with you. Exchange offer of extra hours a day at work when you are less likely home for the chance to leave early days, may be required. Telecommuting offers professionals the ability tomake long commutes, without waiving job commitments with customers or colleagues.
Let's look at smaller companies. Large companies can offer a variety of advantages, but also smaller companies may be more willing to work with you on flexible planning. Job seekers can find flexible jobs in businesses that serve customers around the clock and in industries that process a backlog of projects. If you can, the skills they need, they can bring a little more thatCollective bargaining ground.
Ask friends and acquaintances. Ask other parents what their labor policies such as. If you companies that interest you, ask for an informative interview and ask, the points are checked on the lookout for employees.
Conduct online research. According to the United States Bureau of Labor Statistics, the following career opportunities provide greater flexibility in planning: medical transcriptionist, Financial Manager, Nurse, databaseAdministrator, accountant, software developer, physical therapist assistant, paralegal, graphic designer and private investigator.
A great first step towards your long-term job satisfaction should be in identifying a career in which work-life balance is the norm.
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